2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

i like this kid super mario

kid is overlooked because he is from europe

New York Attitude



Honestly, this is my board and I would select whoever is there at #4

Towns>Russell>Okafor>Mario>WCS> EVERYONE ELSE

I just can't buy into Mudiay. Nothing I've seen from him impresses me other than his athleticism. His jumper is ugly. Rondo status. :x
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The thing that concerns me about these Kentucky big guys is that we haven't really seen them play big minutes w/ the platoon system that was ran this year. WCS wasn't all that good to me last year, & still isn't to me this year. Big mistake drafting him top 4. Mudiay is very impressive & has pro experience which could mean he could blossom faster. Although I'd ideally like Melo at the 4, I'll deal w/ him playing the 3 if we get Monroe. & pls stop calling Okafor extremely unathletic. That's far from the truth.

Reminds me of when ppl were saying the same thing about Jabari Parker. You can't teach the intangibles that they possess.
- Monroe is definitely getting a max contract.

- WCS is one of the best young defensive big men in a while. Very Nerlens Noel/Davis like....can protect the rim, get into the passing lanes and even sticks with perimeter guys when needed. If we did take him at 4 I wouldn't be that upset. Only thing he isn't great at is rebounding and scoring and I definitely am not looking at him to score.
Who knows honestly. He's 24 and came into the league as a freshman so I really don't know :lol: send them Hardaway and a second rounder to get it done.
It would be a shame if we gave up on Timmy so early.

Yes, he's had his struggles with his confidence, but what rookie doesn't hit their rookie wall? I still remember when people were calling Wall a bust and to some extent, Curry due to his glass ankles.

And yes, if we hold on to them for too long and they don't pan out, we may lose any trade value we have for them (aka Shump) but that's a risk worth taking IMO. Not to mention Aminu didn't exactly start to pan out until recently - his first year at the Clips was horrific.
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I'm fine keeping Timmy, I'm fine moving him, I honestly just don't care anymore about him :lol:

I like Aminu though. He's worth signing.
I never drive into Manhattan, but anyone know if I drive by hospital of special surgery around 7:30 am-ish if I'd be able to find street parking? And also would I most likely be stuck paying meters/being limited on time I can park for?
I never drive into Manhattan, but anyone know if I drive by hospital of special surgery around 7:30 am-ish if I'd be able to find street parking? And also would I most likely be stuck paying meters/being limited on time I can park for?

I work there. Parking is extremely hard to find lol. But once you find it, no meters. But some ppl come to work an hour early just to find parking. Unless you're willing to pay the public parking lots lol
Ha, I work at Presbyterian and show up a couple hours early to make sure I find parking.

At that time, if you're patient, you can find parking. If you don't, I'd go to a garage for the early bird special. At most, $20 for the day until 7ish. Those are for the close garages too.
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It would be a shame if we gave up on Timmy so early.

Yes, he's had his struggles with his confidence, but what rookie doesn't hit their rookie wall? I still remember when people were calling Wall a bust and to some extent, Curry due to his glass ankles.

And yes, if we hold on to them for too long and they don't pan out, we may lose any trade value we have for them (aka Shump) but that's a risk worth taking IMO. Not to mention Aminu didn't exactly start to pan out until recently - his first year at the Clips was horrific.
Agreed. ESPECIALLY if we draft Mudiay. Mark my words, drafting Mudiay would benefit THJR more so than any other Knick. He would blossom alongside him.

Im not totally against trading Hardaway, per say, but only if he can be used in a package (hopefully along with Caldo's contract) to land a bigger fish at a bigger need. Like the Rubio scenario I made up or Cousins. Something like that.

I do agree with you that it might be a better move to sign the blossoming 24 year old Aminu than the 28 year old Carroll. IMO Carroll is nice and is the kind of player who I would like next to Melo, but a lot of his success this past season was due to the Hawk's style of play. I dont think Carroll would have done very well on the Knicks this year in the same kind of way Shumpert didnt do very well on the Knicks. But I think he can if we draft a PG like Mudiay, but like I said, if we draft Mudiay I wont want to trade Hardaway so in that regard id rather pay a premium for Carroll than a discount + THJR for Aminu.

But I do like the idea of signing Aminu outright over Carroll. ESP if he is cheaper, but I wouldnt move Hardaway for that. Id rather pay Carroll a little bit more than Aminu and keep Hardaway than get Aminu at a cheaper cost at the expense of Tim.

Sidenote: wouldnt it be funny/awesome if we traded for Cousins and signed Carroll?? RUN DMC at its finest 

- WCS is one of the best young defensive big men in a while. Very Nerlens Noel/Davis like....can protect the rim, get into the passing lanes and even sticks with perimeter guys when needed. If we did take him at 4 I wouldn't be that upset. Only thing he isn't great at is rebounding and scoring and I definitely am not looking at him to score.
Also agree with this 100%. I don't know what yall watched this season, but to me, WCS was one of the best collegiate defensive bigs I have EVER seen. Elite rim protection and elite lateral quickness that allows him to stay in front of any player on the floor. This is SO important in today's attacking PG era, and to me, makes him a better choice than what Okafor brings offensively.

IMO WCS might be the safest pick in the draft. Might not have as high of a ceiling as a couple others, but I see no way that he isnt a very serviceable starting center in this league for the next decade +. He brings to the table what ANY NBA team could use in 2015 and beyond, simple as that.

I prefer him to Nerlens also. I think he is a better defender and I also think he is taller and less fragile than Nerlens, who is only 6'11 and frail as Camby was. IMO WCS will come into this league and be a dominant defender from the day he steps on the floor until he is in his mid 30s. That fills a MAJOR need for us, as long as we arent passing on a franchise PG like Mudiay without having another franchise PG option already in place, I would take the reach at #4 for all that he offers us. I would almost be surprised if WCS doesnt have at least one DPOY under his belt when it is all said and done.
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i really dont wanna overpay carroll. the only way i want him if its in the 7mil range, but i know he's gonna get more than that. i think we can get aminu for the 7mil range though and im good with that. jimmy butler would be extremely nice, but considering it looks like phil is gonna give monroe the max, we cant afford bulter. im fine with that really. having a starting front court of bargs and jason smith is not something i wanna see again.
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