2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

I like the Mudiay talk. But CB is a ******* JOKE for reporting that the Knicks were targeting Zinger, Lyles, and Kaminsky earlier today, not even mentioning Muddy, and then reporting that we are "leaning towards Mudiay" a couple of hours later.

Dude has 0 credibility. I would take everything he says with a **** load of salt. 
Probably signing off for the night as well fellas. Despite everything, it has been fun. Best of luck Team NYK. See yall on the other side 
3 way dream:

DENVER gets - Collison, Gay, Stauskas, Thompson, 4 pick

SAC gets - Lawson, Faried, W Chandler

NY gets - 6 pick and 7 pick

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