2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

tell her i got some eggplant for her

I want King Zinger to come off the bench the first year. dont want him force to play a big role. ease him into it.
If we can talk West down to vet min then that would even better
So the original offer brought up was 2 years/$16 mil and now we are talking about the vet minimum??

This is why people think we are all ******* crazy :lol: :pimp:

I want King Zinger to come off the bench the first year. dont want him force to play a big role. ease him into it.
I want to toss the King (not against it :lol: ) right into the mother ******* lion's den. :lol:

I wanna see him sonning that soft ***** Okafor 4 nights a year :pimp:
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Ziggy is gonna be a Superstar. You can tell by his mental makeup that he wants to great. He has the physical tools and talent and from what it looks like the right mindset to put it all together

14, 6, and 2 46/35/80 as a starter in his rookie year.
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One that thing that stood out is his FT % isn't great. It's like in the mid 70s. Thought this dude was a twig that can shoot.
rather keep bargnani for cheaper if we gotta give west 8mil
Facts let "Air Bargs" flourish, **** it
@ flourish
Are we going to be signing Thansis (sp)?

Other then his contract, is there any other reason why we want to move Jose so badly? If healthy, I think that he's still be able to provide quality minutes in the teens and he doesn't seem to be a terrible locker room guy.

We all the foreigners we have on our team, maybe we're making a pitch to Gasol :nerd:
Rather would have West over Bargs. West has a certain toughness we've been lacking. Also, he is a leader, takes pressure off of Melo, correction, it shuts everyone's damn mouth about Melo having to be a vocal leader, we know, and we knew when we got him, it just is not him. Also, West is still worth more than the vets minimum. Bargs, nah, he quit on the team as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather have STAT come off the bench to back up our PF. He would score 10-15, give up 9-14, but he'd be giving effort.
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Btw Knicks fam, I retract all apologies that I made about our team acquiring Leandro Barbosa. Damn that, he was still serviceable as a backup then, and we still were horrible, it would've worked.
Rather would have West over Bargs. West has a certain toughness we've been lacking. Also, he is a leader, takes pressure off of Melo, correction, it shuts everyone's damn mouth about Melo having to be a vocal leader, we know, and we knew when we got him, it just is not him. Also, West is still worth more than the vets minimum. Bargs, nah, he quit on the team as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather have STAT come off the bench to back up our PF. He would score 10-15, give up 9-14, but he'd be giving effort.
Exactly. Some of y'all are ******* crazy sometimes. Y'all talk about "winning now" and "maximizing Melo's prime" and then say some **** like you would rather just start Bargs over David West 


This is very similar to the David Lee discussion we had earlier. David West at 2 years and $16 Mil is probably the best VALUE signing we could make this summer. We are going to have the $ at our disposal so we might as well ******* use it instead of trotting out a Bargs/Zinger front court. FOH with that. I have had Zinger's back since BEFORE day 1 and even I want 0 parts of a Bargnani/Zinger front court 

I feel like some of y'all are all about "winning now" and some of y'all are all about "Zinger is the future. **** Melo." I have been trying to say all offseason that we CAN have it both ways. We can build a young winning foundation that is able to maximize Melo's prime and keep building for the future at the same damn time. It doesn't all have to be 100 or nothing. Signing David West to this team would help out in both areas. He is a battle tested/win now player who could provide this team a lot right off the bat and be a strong locker room presence to a team that will need it. And he could also be essential as a player the young guys (and even Melo) could learn from. And the fact that we can sign him to a lesser deal INSTEAD of giving out a worse long term contract to someone like Monroe (who I don't like in between Melo and Zinger in the now or for the future because of his defensive liabilities), IMO helps us in the future as well. 

This is a little different from Lee because West would be 2 years instead of 1, but we also need to be realistic. West isn't signing a 1 year contract. He just opted out of a 1 year deal. If we can get him for 2 years while paying no more than $8 mil, that is more than reasonable. Makes a lot more sense IMO than handing out a multi year max contract to Greg Monroe. He could step in and be the starting 4 from day 1, and potentially be apart of the Knicks for much longer. But, if we feel like we will need the extra cap space next summer, which we won't even know if we will yet, West won't be hard to move as an expiring contract, if need be.

And when I say value I am talking about fit. I want Zinger out in the lineup right away. He is our best option at center, and if we want him to learn how to handle the physicality of the NBA center position, than IMO there is no better way to do that than to have him in there from day 1. I think his defense will take leaps and bounds in terms of development from the beginning of the season until the end, and if he gets PT I can not see this kid not getting buckets from day 1. I think his scoring #s from his rookie year are going to surprise a lot of you if he is a starter. Kid can hoop.

But in order to play Zinger at center, like with most players, its about fit. Like why Z-Bo was bad here next to Eddy ******* Curry, but great in Memphis next to Marc Gasol. He needed a guy like Gasol to cover for his defensive limitations.

The same thing is true with Zinger. I believe he can become a valuable rim protector given his length/athleticism and his overall seemingly solid defensive instincts, but he needs someone next to him who can cover for his physicality limitations. Maybe he can handle it more a couple years down the road, but if we want to maximize Zinger RIGHT NOW, we need a David West. We need a tough guy who can handle the physicality of NBA post defense and do it well. Even at 35, West is capable of doing that. Bargs? Hell ******* nah. Im not vehemently against resigning Bargs to the minimum to come off the bench, but I am 100% against relying on Bargs whatsoever. Anything Bargs can bring to this team is extracurricular as far as I am concerned. West is a guy we can rely on. Getting West for the 4 spot would allow Zinger to focus on what is most important for him right now in terms of his defensive potential, learning how to become a shot blocker/rim protector. 

IMO Zinger will be a solid shot blocker right away. But if Zinger can become a guy down the road who can give you 2 blocks per night, then it is game over. A guy like David west could be crucial in that development. You want a tough/battle tested NBA vet to help Zinger out in these areas, and West is your guy. In addition, I think he greatly helps this team "win now." He adds another shooter on the floor and is a gifted passer, he can be a pretty natural triangle offense fit while also taking on the "tough guy" anchor to our defense. 

When assessing overall value, you need to look at more than just a player. You need to look at that player given the context of your team, how he fits in that, and what your team needs. We need a David ******* West at the 4. Both offensively, defensively, and for leadership. I hand him, the 2 years $16 mil he wants and never look back.
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