2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Not to derail, I was up early and caught Outside the Lines, I got sad watching about Isaiah Austin, dude had potential. Such a sad story.
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I hope this dude Zinger isn't a punk. Like if Kevin Garnett is still playing when Zinger is playing, I hope Zinger sends him a "message" straight off the bat. Like before any words are exchanged or before the ball is even tipped, Zinger walks over to KG and puts him in the camel clutch right out of the gate. He does that, I will buy his jersey and wear it over my military uniform on the daily.
Stone Cold Stunner to KG, and then Melo throws him bottles of Fiji to chug and spill while he taunts and trash talks
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Real ****, Porzingis comes from a family that plays, from his parents to his siblings, but until he shows his passion for the game on the court it won't mean ****. There's a possibility dude was just marketing himself to be selected as highly as possible.
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I'm all in for giving Monroe Near Max or Max the thing everyone keeps forgetting is 1) he will still be young and in his prime so he will have that hunger and desire to get another Max contract so his game should get better and 2) By giving him a max contract now might be somewhat of a bargain once that TV money and Salary Cap rises kick in in 2 years. Max contracts will be worth way more and the average NBA salary will Sky Rocket.  So yeah throw that Max or Near Max at Monroe ASAP.
Monroe's max isn't terrible either. I think it's like 5/63?

Look, we need to build a balanced roster and there's many ways, different styles to do it. I'm fine maxing out Monroe and bringing in a center like Robin for 3 years. This way, if and when King Zinger is ready to start full time, he has the 5 open for him. So we position ourselves to win immediately, but leave room to win down the road as well.

The issue there is the 2. We need someone who can create his own shot, space the floor and defend. Not easy getting that guy for the cheap. So Phil is gonna need to be creative because whether we go Monroe, Robin, guard or whoever, we have 3 holes that need to be filled. It isn't fair to expect King Zinger to step in day 1 and play the 5 for substantial time. We gotta ease the kid into the game, keep him healthy and confident, make life easy for him.

If we can dump Caldo, we'd be in great shape to fill our 3 needs. But with him on board, it gets tough.
Kristaps gonna be here on day 1, right? I never understood the drafting and stashing of foreign players.
He should be, yes. His buyout is 850,000 or so? A very reasonable amount and he's expected to be here. 
yeah Kris is gonna be here day 1

very reasonable buyout & his team needs that money asap
Monroe's max isn't terrible either. I think it's like 5/63?

Look, we need to build a balanced roster and there's many ways, different styles to do it. I'm fine maxing out Monroe and bringing in a center like Robin for 3 years. This way, if and when King Zinger is ready to start full time, he has the 5 open for him. So we position ourselves to win immediately, but leave room to win down the road as well.

The issue there is the 2. We need someone who can create his own shot, space the floor and defend. Not easy getting that guy for the cheap. So Phil is gonna need to be creative because whether we go Monroe, Robin, guard or whoever, we have 3 holes that need to be filled. It isn't fair to expect King Zinger to step in day 1 and play the 5 for substantial time. We gotta ease the kid into the game, keep him healthy and confident, make life easy for him.

If we can dump Caldo, we'd be in great shape to fill our 3 needs. But with him on board, it gets tough.
Couldn't agree more, just throwing it out there, not saying i would sign him but..............Dion Waiters at the 2?
Serves Philly right they won't suppose to pick him anyway, hope he quits on the team & they trade him
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Monroe's max isn't terrible either. I think it's like 5/63?

Look, we need to build a balanced roster and there's many ways, different styles to do it. I'm fine maxing out Monroe and bringing in a center like Robin for 3 years. This way, if and when King Zinger is ready to start full time, he has the 5 open for him. So we position ourselves to win immediately, but leave room to win down the road as well.

The issue there is the 2. We need someone who can create his own shot, space the floor and defend. Not easy getting that guy for the cheap. So Phil is gonna need to be creative because whether we go Monroe, Robin, guard or whoever, we have 3 holes that need to be filled. It isn't fair to expect King Zinger to step in day 1 and play the 5 for substantial time. We gotta ease the kid into the game, keep him healthy and confident, make life easy for him.

If we can dump Caldo, we'd be in great shape to fill our 3 needs. But with him on board, it gets tough.

Couldn't agree more, just throwing it out there, not saying i would sign him but..............Dion Waiters at the 2?
The Gr8test will applaud you for even suggesting Dion :lol:
i know people keep looking at our cap space but remember we can also do sign and trades with our trade exceptions that we have too.
I'm cool with going after Monroe, he's solid and we need a center badly.

I really wanted Wes but that injury scares me. Give me Green or Wes, I don't want the predator looking creature. He's very average, good year last year but all of Atlanta overachieved.
Worst comes to worst we could absorb JJ Hickson for a year if we don't like anything else out there. Expiring contract.

Maybe get Gerald Henderson from Portland. Expiring contract.

Maybe use Felton's exception to get Harkless.

Gamble on Anthony Bennett and then decline his team option, meh.

Maybe absorb Terrence Ross? Meh.

Could absorb Waiters.

Could bring back Jamal Crawford once a Knick
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