2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Lmao @ Josh Smith on this team. Helllll nah! Keep him all the way away from here. :lol:

Affalo for 12 mil? He must have lost his mind. Gerald Green for 5...I would def take over Affalo for 12.

Biyombo as the Birdman role from the 09 Nuggets? Now I can dig that.

At this point, gimme DJ and Danny Green. If we can make that happen, I'll be so damn happy.


:wow: now that's a dope starting 5

Who's the bench.

pretty realistic imo...probably 5-6 seed
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I would be extremely happy if the Knicks somehow sign Danny Green.

Might be my favorite free agent fit for this team out there. I love his 2 way game and the veteran leadership he could provide coming from the Spurs. He could be a very nice, stable 2 guard starter for us for the next couple of seasons.

He is also still relatively young, at least young enough to improve his game. I think his offense in particular would take a major step forward playing a larger role in NY. Kind of similar to how Tyson took a major step forward when he came here after winning a title in Dallas.

We'll see what Phil can do.
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we didn't extend a QO to Acy, he's gone

gonna miss his hustle & beard
No worries brotha... Help is already on the way
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Now that he's gone i'm gonna talk about him. How the eff you give Hardaway son burn and Pats son got cut :smh: :tongue: :rofl:. THJ had a semi decent shot but he wasn't that nice. :rolleyes The cat Grant seems to be the prototypical PG in Fill's 8) offense. I can't believe anyone wants Josh Smith here smh. "Fur what?" What happened with the David West talk?
Now that he's gone i'm gonna talk about him. How the eff you give Hardaway son JR SMITH BROTHER burn and Pats son got cut
The real mother ******* question/low point in Knicks history 

**** Anthony Roberson also... for all yall with elephant memory 
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I thought Roberson was the dude on the Thunder for a minute
You're thinking of Andre Roberson from Colorado. I'm talking about Anthony Roberson from UF. As in...
A small forward, Ewing Jr. made a strong bid late in the preseason to make the club but was the last player cut . The Knicks kept former Florida Gators G Anthony Roberson instead.

"It ticked me off," Ewing Sr. said.
In 2008 
I thought Roberson was the dude on the Thunder for a minute
You're thinking of Andre Roberson from Colorado. I'm talking about Anthony Roberson from UF. As in...

A small forward, Ewing Jr. made a strong bid late in the preseason to make the club but was the last player cut

. The Knicks kept former Florida Gators G Anthony Roberson instead.

"It ticked me off," Ewing Sr. said.
In 2008 :smh:
Nah I know, up until recently I just always thought the dude in OKC was the dude we had.
According to Essentials chart, Acy was only making 1billion.

Not sure where we could find better value then that for that price. Can someone else confirm about the QO declined?

Phil better hit a homerun or he'll have yet another fan questioning the direction of the team.

A+ execution, repped.

Just saw a tweet about Acy.

Extremely disappointed to say the least.
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