2015 NY Knicks offseason thread, Los Almighty appreciation thread

Since Detroit has been a terrible environment, I find it more helpful looking at his game logs post Josh Smith and pre Reggie Jackson.
extremely fair. but i think that sometimes the "terrible environment" narrative is played too heavily as an excuse for one's development. he knew that this was virtually a contract year and he kind was meh.
is there a site where you can input a roster then they give you predicted win total? not talking trade simulator
Since Detroit has been a terrible environment, I find it more helpful looking at his game logs post Josh Smith and pre Reggie Jackson.

extremely fair. but i think that sometimes the "terrible environment" narrative is played too heavily as an excuse for one's development. he knew that this was virtually a contract year and he kind was meh.
I view as, once Smith left who was a tumor in that lineup, and Monroe had a consistent point guard (never really had one before BJ), he put together some of the best games of his career. Then BJ gets hurt and he struggles a little with Reggie (as the team did) but once the chemistry improved, he improved with it.

Feel like environment impacts big men more than other positions since in all honesty, they don't have control of the game as much as guards do.
Monroe aint worth it ppl.

His slow *** cant protect the rim or space the floor


(insert 3 and D guard here)


Josh Smith

The Zinger





Kyle O'Quinn

Don't overspend on David West. Perkins or Elton Brand can serve as a mentor for Zinger.
I would be down to take a risk on josh smith. No one has been able to utilize his unique skill set. Versatile defender who can ease the growing pains Zinger may have as a defender. Offensively he can serve as a secondary playmaker ( pippen, odom). The spacing that zinger provides means we would not have to rely on his jumper.

If it seems to risky, i want Aminu starting
Offensively he can serve as a secondary playmaker ( pippen, odom). The spacing that zinger provides means we would not have to rely on his jumper.

If it seems to risky, i want Aminu starting

Josh Smith is going to chuck up 3s regardless :lol:

No thanks
I see Phil is trying to build a versatile, athletic team. Didnt realize Grant averaged 17ppg, 47FG%, 1.7 spg, and 6apg, "while sharing" PG duties in Notre Dame, 22yrs old and polished > THJR

Ian Begley: #Knicks “want to be in” the mix for FA guard Danny Green, per league sources. Green’s interest in NYK is unclear at this point.
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I would be down to take a risk on josh smith. No one has been able to utilize his unique skill set. Versatile defender who can ease the growing pains Zinger may have as a defender. Offensively he can serve as a secondary playmaker ( pippen, odom). The spacing that zinger provides means we would not have to rely on his jumper.

If it seems to risky, i want Aminu starting
josh smith has been in the league for 10 years. he is who he is. a low iq chucker with decreasing athleticism.
Lmao @ Josh Smith on this team. Helllll nah! Keep him all the way away from here. :lol:

Affalo for 12 mil? He must have lost his mind. Gerald Green for 5...I would def take over Affalo for 12.

Biyombo as the Birdman role from the 09 Nuggets? Now I can dig that.

At this point, gimme DJ and Danny Green. If we can make that happen, I'll be so damn happy.


:wow: now that's a dope starting 5
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