2016 Academy Awards/Oscars - Nominees Announced Today - February 28th

it's not a win for the studio, they expect it to basically double the original not fall short of the first ones total

sequels are about growing a franchise, Ride Along failed to do that

stop wiki-ing, that doesn't explain the movie industry business model

:smh: you're not understanding how this works. Ride along is a movie that was never planned for a franchise. The success of the first movie gave way to the sequel. There was no franchise potential for that movie. Getting two 120 mil plus movies from a film whose leading actors are Kevin Hart and Ice Cube, on a low budget is def a win....and FAR from a bomb.

They milked it. Cashed out, and won.
This dude was in Jaws 3.

Not saying they were digging deep to get black actors to present.. but damn, Jaws 3.
The Oscars is feeling real self-depricating this year. They'll take the hit. They'll make a diversity joke every few awards or so. Then next year or the year after, it'll be the same BS as this year. Don't fall for it. We need to support our own awards. Make a new one if necessary. But don't fall for this stunt. I'm telling you fam, give it two years and we'll be back where we started. This hurts to watch ourselves make jokes and pat ourselves on the back like we're doing something. No one else is doing this. I cringed especially at the black history month will smith jack black joke. We cannot fall into this appeasement trap again. I hope I'm not alone.
Why would we want Awards that are separated though?

Where is the fun or Pride in that?. If you are the Best, you want to be recognized by the best, with the best and among the best. 
Same reason there is the Latin Grammys. To recognize works done for us by us (pun? not intended)
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