2016 Academy Awards/Oscars - Nominees Announced Today - February 28th


Saw that tweet earlier lmaooo
nah :lol:

Ride Along 2 basically bombed

he better hope Central Intelligence does well

Critically....yes. But it did almost 120mil on a 40 Mil budget. That's a win for that studio.

People comparing Kev Hart to Steph. Lol the disrespect

I'm comparing them in the sense that they aren't SUPPOSED to be in the position they are. Kevin Hart was a straight to DVD BET type comedian. He's now an A-list celebrity that wins at the box office.

Steph was a 2-star recruit, glass ankled guy...who is now the best player in the NBA. Best player in the NBA and MVP are usually reserved for guys that have been prodigies since grade school.
These jokes aren't hitting at all.

Louis CK got the biggest laugh all night without even trying :lol:
I'm enjoying Rock for what it is. It's no Shoot The Messenger but he is missing his mark on a few jokes and messing up is making his delivery off.

He's not even getting the applause sign kind of laughs.

Wow I'm shocked Mark Rylance won.

Happy for dude :pimp: He came through with that performance.

So great the Oscars didn't go where I thought they would by giving it to Sly.

Yeah I liked his performance and the movie, just don't see it as remarkable.
You argue neither were his competition.

Although from what I saw (I saw each movie but Creed), I think Ruffalo was most deserving. If I thought Rylance had a shot I would've mentioned him.

I figured Bridge of Spies would go overlooked the whole night other than the part where ppl preview the movies nominated for best picture.
Critically....yes. But it did almost 120mil on a 40 Mil budget. That's a win for that studio.
I'm comparing them in the sense that they aren't SUPPOSED to be in the position they are. Kevin Hart was a straight to DVD BET type comedian. He's now an A-list celebrity that wins at the box office.

Steph was a 2-star recruit, glass ankled guy...who is now the best player in the NBA. Best player in the NBA and MVP are usually reserved for guys that have been prodigies since grade school.

it's not a win for the studio, they expect it to basically double the original not fall short of the first ones total

sequels are about growing a franchise, Ride Along failed to do that

stop wiki-ing, that doesn't explain the movie industry business model
The Oscars is feeling real self-depricating this year. They'll take the hit. They'll make a diversity joke every few awards or so. Then next year or the year after, it'll be the same BS as this year. Don't fall for it. We need to support our own awards. Make a new one if necessary. But don't fall for this stunt. I'm telling you fam, give it two years and we'll be back where we started. This hurts to watch ourselves make jokes and pat ourselves on the back like we're doing something. No one else is doing this. I cringed especially at the black history month will smith jack black joke. We cannot fall into this appeasement trap again. I hope I'm not alone.
Why would we want Awards that are separated though?

Where is the fun or Pride in that?. If you are the Best, you want to be recognized by the best, with the best and among the best. 
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Leo winning this in a weak year. I know we all want him to win it...but this ain't the one to win it.

Kinda feels like Kobe's '08 MVP award. Which was deserving...but probably should've gone to Cp3. I'm on Henny and watching NBA clips now. Apologies for the basketball analogies :pimp: :lol:.
I feel like they ditched the following of how a movie is made with the order of award presentations half way in to things.

Rock bringing this girl scout cookie bit back out AND the fake Suge Knight :smh: :rolleyes :x

We all know Chris Rock isn't this bad of a comedian and at the least funny person. He has way better material recently and we know he got a strong team of writers.

So I'm left to assume he's doing it on purpose.
redmayne gonna win just for playing a woman alone just like leto did
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redmayne gonna win just for playing a women alone just like leto did
Oscars already did that once.

Doubt they do it again with that Oscar bait.

They'd basically be telling Leo and every other actor you better go snatch a transgender role if you want to win.
I feel like they ditched the following of how a movie is made with the order of award presentations half way in to things.

Rock bringing this girl scout cookie bit back out AND the fake Suge Knight :smh: :rolleyes :x

We all know Chris Rock isn't this bad of a comedian and at the least funny person. He has way better material recently and we know he got a strong team of writers.

So I'm left to assume he's doing it on purpose.
Was thinking the same. Only way I can make any sense of it.
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