2016 MLB thread. THE CUBS HAVE BROKEN THE CURSE! Chicago Cubs are your 2016 World Series champions

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April 14 to Aug 1

19 games pitched
16 of them 100+ pitches
The 3 that weren't? 99, 97, and 95.

In that stretch, there wasn't ONE game he could hook him early? Not the 14-1 game? Not the 12-1 game? Not the 10-2, 9-1, 13-2, 7-0 games? NONE? He couldn't pull him in ANY of those games?

Not a one?


I get all pitches aren't created equal. I get low stress vs high stress innings, etc. Conditions, etc. I get it. But there's your stretch. 5 months. Every game he pitched. Some of those were done and wrapped up early, but he still goes out there. With a history of arm issues, this is his 8th stint on the DL. I mean.......... Like I said, *shrugs* You don't wanna believe it, that's your call. I said this day was coming. You scoffed. Well...... *shrugs*

Granted, he never hit the 130+ pitches in games that Mark Prior did, so Dusty certainly has learned to keep it "down" a notch. 114 is the most Stras threw, so that's a positive, I guess.
Stras has the same bum mechanics from when his arm blew out the first time.

Throwing a 100 pitches a start isn't Dusty's fault :lol:
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Stras has the same bum mechanics from when his arm blew out the first time.

Throwing a 100 pitches a start isn't Dusty's fault :lol:
Pretty much. He did change his arm angle, but he hasn't been handled any differently since 2013.
@CP1708  When are the Cubs going to bench Heyward? He's left so many ppl on base...........

What is his deal? And their belief in him right now about?
 When are the Cubs going to bench Heyward? He's left so many ppl on base...........

What is his deal? And their belief in him right now about?

He missed the last 3 games. Four complete days off. Didn't pinch hit, pinch run...nothing. His defense will be too valuable come October. Hey has said that he hopes to reset by then, but his offense is a lost cause this year.
 When are the Cubs going to bench Heyward? He's left so many ppl on base...........

What is his deal? And their belief in him right now about?

No reason to. He certainly struggled, the toe tap was a stupid idea, but he helps in plenty other ways.

He's had moments, but overshadowed by so many other pieces.

He will help in October, as long as we make it that far.
OMG he just Homered?!!!

All luck man!

(I'm going to pay attention to his Defense now)
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bruh. my mind is blown. finally got my mlb.tv code with that wendy's thing. this **** is so advanced. fast-forwarding through games using the a "scorecard" progress bar?!?! amazing. i'll pay full price next year for this.
MLB.tv is no good for me in OKC. 

I only get like 40-50% of games per night.






Random Games that won't load

 3-4 per night (tonight it was NYY and Bos)

Though STL/RANGERS I can always catch on TV, but my setup is for the Laptop. 

I basically have to watch my TV and my computer and then on my computer I have to switch between Stream2Watch and MLB.tv to see games.

I glady accept a free MLB.tv, but after paying for it in 2014, I declined further.
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MLB.tv is no good for me in OKC. 

I only get like 40-50% of games per night.


Random Games that won't load

 3-4 per night (tonight it was NYY and Bos)

Though STL/RANGERS I can always catch on TV, but my setup is for the Laptop. 

I basically have to watch my TV and my computer and then on my computer I have to switch between Stream2Watch and MLB.tv to see games.

I glady accept a free MLB.tv, but after paying for it in 2014, I declined further.

It's 2016 papi. Get yourself a location spoofer. Damn what they teaching y'all in OK
 It's 2016 papi. Get yourself a location spoofer. Damn what they teaching y'all in OK
Not that. 

A little over my head, I'll find a Stream before I learn IP ish, my computer storage in my brain, has reached, its, capacity. All out of Gigs

sidenote: I"m still tripping off the Heyward Dong! That was so awesome.
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