2016 MLB thread. THE CUBS HAVE BROKEN THE CURSE! Chicago Cubs are your 2016 World Series champions

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Yes he would have, actually.

I don't see it. You can't tell me he was 100 percent going to catch that ball 
Win a World Series this decade then come talk
Hey can anyone let me know the last time he dodgers won a World Series? I'll wait
I'm not even going to feed into it. The dodgers haven't done anything in 25 years so of course they take solace that their season will last two days longer than ours.

Good luck to all the cub fans out there. Hope y'all take it.
Dodger fans about to be golfing again in two days so I'm not worried
DAMN I deserve this
Oh well
This is why I don't talk about other teams. Never ends well
at all these Giants fans *****ing about Bochy. The **** is he suppose to do with that trash bullpen?
Funny how dudes want him fired even after he's won the club three chips in the last six years. He's a great coach who was done in by a ****** bullpen. Not that hard to see.
Anyone who has watched the Giants enough saw this coming from April. Bochy has been masterful during his tenure at playing the hand he's dealt. But when you're dealt ****** cards eventually you play ****** hands.
Anyone who has watched the Giants enough saw this coming from April. Bochy has been masterful during his tenure at playing the hand he's dealt. But when you're dealt ****** cards eventually you play ****** hands.
100 % agree. Same **** happened with Mattingly in LA. He was a damn good coach who was fired, because the bullpen couldn't keep a lead
Real Giants fans have witnessed the bullpen lose us games all damn season. The fact that they even made it to thr postseason was a damn miracle, and if not against the Cubs, the bullpen would've eventially had a signature meltdown in the next series or the World Series if they made it that far. I usually only comment in the soccer thread on NT, but I can't let these bandwagoning/delusional fans speak for all of us.
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Laughable that any moron would slander Bochy. He's probably the best manager in baseball.

Word. Its like others have mentioned hes gotta play the cards hes dealt. Not like he can go out there and get outs himself. Even if he had a legit pen and they end up ******** the bed thats still on the players. Imo he made the right moves. He gave em best chance to win based on what they had unlike that other black and orange teams manager lol
Tbh it was only one guy in here that said fire Bochy
We all know who that guy is :lol:
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I don't normally venture out of the Giants thread, but I can't stand it when people generalize a fanbase when it's one guy making claims.
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I don't normally venture out of the Giants thread, but I can't stand it when people geberalize a fanbase when it's one guy making claims.
You ever visit Mccovey chronicles? Legit Giants fans want him fired. I'm sure most of it is overreaction though.
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He was pitching on 3 days' rest and left the game with 2 runs on the board. And yeah, it is a stupid narratve. He's pitched well in the postseason more often than not. I thought this idea that he can't pitch in the playoffs finally died last year when he shut down the Mets in an elimination game on the road (also on short rest).
You can say he has pitched well in the postseason more often than not.  But how many times has he pitched like Clayton Kershaw?  How many real Clayton Kershaw starts has he made in his postseason career?  One?  Game 1 of the 2013 NLDS?  Look man, you can call it a silly narrative all you want.  Fact of the matter is Kershaw is one of the best regular season pitcher of all time, and is substantially worse in the playoffs.  I dont even know how that is arguable.
My bad, must've been from your insistence that Brandon Crawford, Xander Bogaerts, and a few other shortstops are better than Corey Seager, even though Seager's been a top 5 player in baseball this season regardless of position.
I made the claim that Seager was a top 5 shortstop in baseball, and this discussion was right at the All Star break.  At the time, I said I had Lindor, Bogaerts, Crawford and Machado as being better than him.  AT THE TIME.  Now, sure, things have changed and that may not be correct.  At the time, no shot.  There was not a single shred of statistical evidence that had Seager as the best SS in baseball at the time the discussion was going on.  Not a one.  At the time, Seager was:

9th in batting average (behind Bogaerts, Machado and Lindor)

6th in OBP (behind Bogaerts, Machado and Lindor)

5th in HR (behind Machado)

4th in runs (behind Bogaerts, Machado and Lindor)

12th in RBI (behind Bogaerts, Machado, Lindor and Crawford)

6th in OBP (behind Bogaerts, Machado and Lindor)

5th in SLG (behind Machado)

4th in OPS (behind Machado and Bogaerts)

5th in WAR (behind Bogaerts, Lindor and Machado....and 0.2 ahead of Crawford)

11th in WPA (behind Bogaerts, Lindor, Machado and Crawford)

8th in UZR (behind Lindor and Crawford)

21st in Fielding % (behind Bogaerts, Lindor and Crawford)

3rd to last in errors (behind Bogaerts, Lindor, Machado and Crawford)

So, maybe I was being a bit of a homer by ranking Crawford over Seager, but Crawford was the reigning gold glove and silver slugger for shortstops.  So it wasnt that crazy of a notion.  Putting Crawford aside, I dont see how me being a Giants fan had anything at all to do with me believing at the All Star break, Corey Seager was NOT the best shortstop in baseball.  Making it seem like it is some crazy notion.  
As far as last night goes, I am not of the opinion that Bochy should be fired.  However, I am of the opinion that even great coaches can be criticized or second guessed for their decisions.  Bochy should have done 1 of 2 things:  1.) Left Moore in if he was physically able or 2.) given the ball to Romo to start the inning.

I know the Giants bullpen has been a joke.  I get it.  I get that Boch didnt have great options to deal with.  But there isnt a manager in baseball that would have managed the 9th inning the way he did.  Go with one guy.  If he gets in major trouble, go with someone else and let him try.  But to run out pitcher after pitcher without giving any of them a chance to get in a rhythm is crazy to me. I dont think another manager in baseball would run a 9th inning that way, and the Giants are not the only team to have a s*** bullpen.

My two cents.  Great manager, poor decision making last night.  
"Not a single shred of statistical evidence"


Idk why you have to go such an extreme. These numbers are from the All Star break.


He was among the best players in baseball all season.
Bochy leaves Moore in and he gets lit, everybody will say he threw 838386 of pitches already, should have taken him out

Romo comes in and shuts the door, everybody says bochy is a genius and had confidence in his bullpen
Bochy leaves Moore in and he gets lit, everybody will say he threw 838386 of pitches already, should have taken him out

I think this scenario would have been easier for me to take than watching our 5 relievers give up 4 runs in the 9th like they've been doing all season long :lol: :smh:

Bochy will always be my guy but I wanted to strangle him last night
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Just read that Casilla was crying in the bullpen watching the meltdown. He did end the regular season horribly, but I didn't realize how solid he was in the postseason.
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