2016 Official NBA Off-Season Thread: Former Greatness

Best article I've read on KD's situation, by far.

It doesn't demean KD.
It doesn't call him names.
Instead, it touches on the entirety of the situation in a way no other article has yet to capture.

Good job Berry, as always.

quick excerpt: Turns out Durant was ready to leave OKC, the franchise and the place, and was a typical Millennial. We thought he was our Dirk Nowitzki. Our Tim Duncan. Instead, Durant, born in 1988, a full decade after those NBA icons, seeks a ring through opportunity, rather than accomplishment.

Ouch at the underlined statement. It truly is Prep ball graduating into the NBA


Nope. The writer obviously has a biased against millenials and projected that bias onto kevin durant which is wrong. Saying he isnt Timmy or Dirk is one thing, but penalizing him is wrong.

Why do they have to paint KD leaving in such a bad light? How about thanking him for all that he's done for OKC and wishing him all the best, and leaving it at that? We don't need to hear your (not you, the writer) archaic viewpoints on millenials projected onto Durant.

OKC writers so hurt rn
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Best article I've read on KD's situation, by far.

It doesn't demean KD.
It doesn't call him names.
Instead, it touches on the entirety of the situation in a way no other article has yet to capture.

Good job Berry, as always.

quick excerpt: Turns out Durant was ready to leave OKC, the franchise and the place, and was a typical Millennial. We thought he was our Dirk Nowitzki. Our Tim Duncan. Instead, Durant, born in 1988, a full decade after those NBA icons, seeks a ring through opportunity, rather than accomplishment.

Ouch at the underlined statement. It truly is Prep ball graduating into the NBA


article is well written however, it's full of passive aggressive judgement and shade for KD. lines like the one you underlined and this

"and we thought Durant had the competitive fire to lead a championship team rather than follow in the wake of the Warriors"

or "typical millennial" and comparing kd's move to high schoolers changing teams

is not journalism, but essentially a letter to the editor, a biased editorial. he seems like an emotionally distraught fan who is given a much larger platform to broadcast his disappointment with KD and his decision. he's coming across like he's not judging KD but so much of his writing insinuates that he owes some sort debt and gratitude to OKC and the city itself.
The Millennial shot was clearly shade.

But that was just shade from an old man towards a young whipper snapper.

It's just what old folks do.

I do it.

Never thought I would.

I do.

As far as underhanded shade or painting KD this way or that way, KD did the painting.

These guys are just speaking on it.

Can't really be a writer and not do it in this instance because it's so obvious, no matter who you write for and who you root for.

KD is the artist, those guys writing articles.....just doing what they do. 

It was far from harsh and demeaning, it was truth.
These OKC writers gotta chill with these funnystyle letters and articles ******** on the greatest athlete in recent memory in the state of Oklahoma.

Like, where's the gratitude? Why are you questioning his competitive fire as if he wasnt putting up 30/8/5 and grabbing mvp's and netting 60 win seasons for you? He led the thunder to 4 wcf in 6 years and now that he chooses to leave you have the nerve to psychoanalyze him and question his mental fortitude? FOH with that romanticized BS.

The writer already had a preconceived notion on the laziness that he feels accompanies millenials and projected that onto Kevin Durant and thats flat out wrong. How dare you disrespect the greatest player in the franchise's history by insinuating such nonsense.

Problem with sports fans and sports / beat writers. They cover the team so they feel as though they have the jurisdiction to step out of bounds and speak from their feelings, forgetting that they're supposed to be "professional" writers.

Have some class, man
He wasn't comparing KD's move to HIghschoolers changing teams so much as acknowledging that's the era we are in.

But it is the era we are in, he acknowledged that and complimented it whether it was backhanded or not.

But there is no way the writers are going to chill.
They are catering to their audience and praising KD isn't what the subscribers want to hear. After all, they are paying :lol:
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Berry (the writer of that article) was one of the first and few who said right off, we should thank KD for what he did do.

Now that that part is out of the way, time to write the assignment and wait for editors approval.
read the part few pages and this whole notion of loyalty and players needing to have it might be one of the most absurd arguments I've ever heard. how can you conscientiously hate on another man for making his living in the way he sees best fit for himself and his family?

i mean when you quit your job to work for another company that is more successful, has a better future, in a better location, and pays you more, should you be accused of being disloyal?

as an A's and warriors fan growing up, i got used to seeing my favorite players leaving to play for other teams. but even as a younger fan, i didnt feel like Tejada, Giambi, spreewell, or hibachi owed us anything or were being disloyal. at the end of the day, professional sports is a lucrative business and the players aren't indebted to their teams. otherwise, what's the point of free agency?
I really wonder if we'll ever get the real deal behind the scenes stuff of what is or was going down in okc

Cause dudes were and are coddled by the media there.. And the organization took the Spurs approach with keeping everything tight lipped
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read the part few pages and this whole notion of loyalty and players needing to have it might be one of the most absurd arguments I've ever heard. how can you conscientiously hate on another man for making his living in the way he sees best fit for himself and his family?

i mean when you quit your job to work for another company that is more successful, has a better future, in a better location, and pays you more, should you be accused of being disloyal?

as an A's and warriors fan growing up, i got used to seeing my favorite players leaving to play for other teams. but even as a younger fan, i didnt feel like Tejada, Giambi, spreewell, or hibachi owed us anything or were being disloyal. at the end of the day, professional sports is a lucrative business and the players aren't indebted to their teams. otherwise, what's the point of free agency?
I'm pretty sure any loyalty topic you read on the "last few pages" was directed at Pat Riley the Exec not a "player"

You are speaking about the topic in general but I don't think anyone has called a player disloyal.

You making stuff up to fit your post? Or speaking in general and not the "last few pages you read"
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First of all...

1. LeBron & Kevin are both ring chasers. Of course, under totally different circumstances but they both ran when things got tough. I don't want to hear about front office not doing enough. It's not fair to blame the front office for not trying their best when we don't truly know the going ons behind the scenes. Dan Gilbert wrote that letter in angst because of the effort he put into keeping LeBron.

2. Kevin Durant has never been the best player in the world, and isn't even on LEBron's level. He made the right decision because Kevin Durant & Russell weren't going to win in OKC. We all know that. Yes they made it to the Finals and are supremely gifted and talented ball players and are both top 5 players in the game. Kevin knew he couldnt win with Russell or anyone on that squad. It's not that the team isn't good enough to win a chip, it's just that Kevin Durant isn't as dominant a superstar as we think. He's the second best player in the world but not a defensive stalwart or leader like the greats. So his game is really just being an all time dominant SCORER. That's why he won the MVP. Everytime he goes against LeBron, he ends up losing. However, they are in the same boat. They are both ring chasers.

3. The Dwyane Wade move blew my mind. Chicago will fight for 8th seed with that big 3. Not bad, John Paxson. They get a B letter grade for their offseason. Matter of fact B+. They lost some key players but gained some good ones. At least Dwyane isn't a ring chaser.
He wasn't comparing KD's move to HIghschoolers changing teams so much as acknowledging that's the era we are in.

But it is the era we are in, he acknowledged that and complimented it whether it was backhanded or not.

But there is no way the writers are going to chill.
They are catering to their audience and praising KD isn't what the subscribers want to hear. After all, they are paying :lol:

i definitely see your point at the end, about catering to his [paying] audience, i imagine he'd get hated on by many Okc fans for saying a lot of positives. nevertheless his article is just a better articulated form of what so many scorned fans are saying, "KD is a ring chasing *****"

it's disappointing "journalism" and like shoeking stated, questioning kd's competitive desire and likening his move to what's happening in this generation of hs school basketball is sensationalized, prisoner of the moment type writing.
 it's disappointing "journalism"

and like shoeking stated, questioning kd's competitive desire and likening his move to what's happening in this generation of hs school basketball is sensationalized, prisoner of the moment type writing.
I agree it's "disappointing journalism". But, does real journalism exist anywhere on anything, or even at all any more. Not really.

To your second point. That is the part of the article I felt was brilliant. It's acknowledging something new that has taken over and I'm super interested to see how things go in the next CBA, because everybody is realizing the Players have finally taken the Power, not taken it Back, but taken it for the first time, and maybe forever.
And Durant's legacy now is rooted in the 21st century values of asking what your franchise can do for you, not the 20th century value of asking what you can do for your franchise. Durant's legacy is finding someone who can help him win.

Again, that's not a criticism. That's just the way the NBA works now. Players run the league, which is only fair, since for most the NBA's history, indentured servitude ruled.

'Shell shocked' Thunder try to move forward from Kevin Durant's departure  

But now the Super Team phenomenon is in beast mode. Player-driven doctoring of rosters. The best examples were the LeBron models in both Miami and Cleveland. But Golden State has upped the standard, with four all-stars ranging from ages 26-28.

It's actually great for the NBA. Durant and Steph Curry on the same team. A marquee that half of America will love and half will abhor. A regular Sunday afternoon attraction for ABC. Market options galore. Superman and Lex Luthor, all rolled into one.

But Durant to the Warriors is bad for basketball. This Super Team-building isn't solely the property of the NBA. It's happening all over hoops. Check high school rosters lately? Kids are switching schools by the month. Some play for three schools in four years. Transferring across town. Transferring across state. Transferring across country. Some to be seen, but mostly for a better chance at victory.

Gone are the days where kids grow up together and persevere and try to win a title that comes through hard work and roots. Arrived are the days where kids just shop around for someplace they can win. Competing is at its lowest value ever. Gone are the days when players work to achieve an end. Now they go searching for that end and jump into the middle of it.

I don't know which came first. I suspect this is a case not of the NBA seeping down to the preps, but the preps graduating to the NBA. One Kevin Durant, who we thought was so loyal and so dedicated, played at three high schools in four years. And what seeps up to the NBA seeps right back down.

Thunder Buddies: Kevin Durant's Departure

Of course, it's wrong to expect loyalty of players. This is a cold, hard business. If the Thunder can trade James Harden and fire Scotty Brooks, it can't protest when Durant jumps ship.

Still, the Durant departure comes with a little hollowness. 
but hs players have been changing teams for much longer, saying that LeBron, kd, and the creation of super teams is leaking down into prep school ball is myopic. i finished hs in the early 2000s and i can recall that some of the best players from rival schools were transferring out of district to play at schools where more scouts were in the stands. this isn't a new phenomena

moreover, him using loaded language like "gone are the days where players worked to achieve an end" is irrational and not rooted in any sort of empirical data, it's just his subjection. is kd going to suddenly not play as competitively as he did with okc?

just out of curiosity, i want to know what he means by kd's decision comes with a bit of "hollowness?"
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but hs players have been changing teams for much longer, saying that LeBron, kd, and the creation of super teams is leaking down into prep school ball is myopic.
He's not saying what NBA'ers are doing is leaking down.

He's saying the opposite actually.

You read it right?

"I don't know which came first. I suspect this is a case not of the NBA seeping down to the preps, but the preps graduating to the NBA"
but hs players have been changing teams for much longer, saying that LeBron, kd, and the creation of super teams is leaking down into prep school ball is myopic.
He's not saying what NBA'ers are doing is leaking down.
He's saying the opposite actually.
You read it right?:tongue:

"I don't know which came first. I suspect this is a case not of the NBA seeping down to the preps, but the preps graduating to the NBA"

you're right. whoops :lol:

Alonzo gif.

however, if he's saying that it's preps graduating into the nba, is he not saying that KD is making a high school- like decision? that his action is rooted in high school behavior? which if he is, i strongly disagree with considering no high schooler is making these decisions with millions on the table and endorsement contacts if he/she is on a winning team
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 No. But obviously the article is speaking to you differently than it did me. Oh well. NBA, it's Fantastic!
Bulls about to trade two of their best three point shooters while they have 3 starters that can't shoot a lick outside 18 feet... Wut
Crazy how when it comes to Melo all this parity talk is dead and he should go join a team with 2 other superstars too :lol:

Between forcing that trade where the Knicks had to gut the team.. And Knicks just making rash

Melo never stood a chance
I still feel like those players that ended up traded weren't that good and most of them ain't even playing in the league anymore. If they are, got the crazy injury history.

Overall it's more the front office and dumb Dolan interferring.

Zen master in charge now so I just got worry about Knick luck.
melo dont care that he dont got a ring. melo only cares about being paid . good for him. 

he fake cares.

Give him 3 more years, when KD has one or two, and he'll start feeling left out.

Melo is feeling it now. The Miami 3 was supposed to be Bron, Wade and Melo but Melo signed a longer deal for the bread. Bet he regretting that **** now.
Bruh he signed that deal years ago :lol:

They didn't make this plan when they reupped after rookie contracts :lol:

Crazy how when it comes to Melo all this parity talk is dead and he should go join a team with 2 other superstars too :lol:

Yeah you don't know what you talking bout. :lol: Cuz they were talking about clicking up for years. That's why Lebron and Wade became FA's the same year. That **** wasn't no coincidence. It's been known for years they had that planned.

And this ain't "Melo hate" either. Always been a fan of his but I know he regret not joining them.
So they were talking about this since their rookie contracts and Melo still took the extra year.

Seems like he made his choice and said **** that linking up ****?

Maybe you don't know what you think you're talking about.
Best article I've read on KD's situation, by far.

It doesn't demean KD.
It doesn't call him names.
Instead, it touches on the entirety of the situation in a way no other article has yet to capture.

Good job Berry, as always.

quick excerpt: Turns out Durant was ready to leave OKC, the franchise and the place, and was a typical Millennial. We thought he was our Dirk Nowitzki. Our Tim Duncan. Instead, Durant, born in 1988, a full decade after those NBA icons, seeks a ring through opportunity, rather than accomplishment.

Ouch at the underlined statement. It truly is Prep ball graduating into the NBA


article is well written however, it's full of passive aggressive judgement and shade for KD. lines like the one you underlined and this

"and we thought Durant had the competitive fire to lead a championship team rather than follow in the wake of the Warriors"

or "typical millennial" and comparing kd's move to high schoolers changing teams

is not journalism, but essentially a letter to the editor, a biased editorial. he seems like an emotionally distraught fan who is given a much larger platform to broadcast his disappointment with KD and his decision. he's coming across like he's not judging KD but so much of his writing insinuates that he owes some sort debt and gratitude to OKC and the city itself.
Where are the articles about OKC, yet another small market franchise, failing another superstar player like KD?

I get the hate from fans but it seems like these sports "journalists" are just as petty and bias and are in the pockets of these owners. They concocting all sorts of reasons to shade KD from obssessed with tweets and narratives to millenial loomi g for the easy way out.

This won't rock when the Wade articles start rolling out.
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Adrian Wojnarowski joins The Vertical Podcast

Adrian Wojnarowski joins JJ Redick on the Vertical Podcast to discuss NBA free agency.
Woj and JJ discuss the Kevin Durant move to Golden State, the influx of a new cash from a $24 billion TV contract into free agency to Woj discussing how he does his job this time of year. Woj and JJ remember back to Redick’s own free agency, when Clippers owner Donald Sterling nearly reneged on Redick’s own free agent deal with the Clippers. They also talk about the future collective bargaining agreement and the likelihood of a lockout in 2017.


Crying at Spencer Hawes in Sonics gear at game 7 between the Warriors-Thunder. High fiving Warrior fans when the Thunder lost. :lol:
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