2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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Holy ****, who cares. What's done is done. What happened in 2015 and 2016 isn't changing no matter how much you argue about injuries/suspensions. Wish both sides would get over it.
Yall are legit ruining this thread. Wouldn't care if all of you who have carried on this stupid conversation for the last four pages were banned.

the problem here is people rather fight than solve the problem

3 years ago everyone would have been washed by the mods :lol:
I find it funny that some people say that the Warriors choked and blew it, and then in the same breath say that Cleveland was the better team.  How can it be both?  Either the Warriors were the superior team and blew it, or the Cavs were the superior team and took it.

It cant be both.  
I mean I don't really think it's that difficult to understand. Warriors were 73-9 (best in league history) so they should've won the ship. So based on their back-to-back MVP, three all nba players on the same roster, and 73-9 roster, they blew it. 
LOL @ "I dont really think it's that difficult to understand."

Maybe you shoud re-read what I wrote.  Because what YOU wrote doesnt refute what I wrote at all.  Clearly you misunderstood.  And for the record, I dont disagree with you that the series was blown.
I mean technically they were the better team in the series if they won right? 
When a team chokes, the implication is that they should have won and blew it....which is basically what happened in the Finals last year.  
Yeah this some glass half full, glass half empty **** 
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ever since ska dissapeared things done changed :lol:
for real.. [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]

I used to critize the block feature but now I love it. Everyone I don't like gets blocked. It's a great tool.
We need to petition Meth for a new mod that's a bball thread regular. Problem is none of you ****** are mod material 
Holy ****, who cares. What's done is done. What happened in 2015 and 2016 isn't changing no matter how much you argue about injuries/suspensions. Wish both sides would get over it.

So.... do you think the warriors choked or did Cleveland win?
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