2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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Y'all act like juicing guarantees greatness

Look at Rashard and Hedo
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I'm in the camp that I don't care if athletes juice. Doesn't take away from they accomplishments. It can only help so much.

I used to think they all took something, especially Nfl players. I was okay with it. I still done see how Manning came back from 4 neck surgeries to break damn near every single season passing record.
geno your starting to take the place of antidope for most outrageous things said

if you dont like tupac i dont think your parents raised you right
He can't draw a play to save his life and his lineups and rotations are terrible. He's an ok defensive coach, that's about it.

Good defensive coach. Yeah the offense is pretty unimaginative but then again, look at his two stars. Look at Scott Brooks now.
What kind of player would The Rockets need to get to really compete with the Warriors?

They need more than one

capela continue to develop, swap ariza for a more offensive wing. could upgrade from anderson.

Partying with the Brodie at XS! What a time!

I'm sure it's just a coincidence that you ran into him. Probably have his phone tapped.


The Rockets just announced that Nene is lost for the rest of the postseason with a left adductor tear

montrezl harrell minutes. plays above the rim, and with a ton of effort, but undersized. spurs are gonna murder us on the boards, but he's a better fit to run against golden state because of his activity level.
Time for Harrell to step up 
You gotta be extremely naive to really believe that LeBron isn't on PED's

With that being said, I'm not saying he's the only one taking them. Most of the top players in every sport are on some type of PED's, and there's much more stuff out there than just steroids that help these guys.

When you're as rich and famous as LeBron there's also things available to you that are only made available to a select handful of people in the world.
You gotta be extremely naive to really believe that LeBron isn't on PED's

With that being said, I'm not saying he's the only one taking them. Most of the top players in every sport are on some type of PED's, and there's much more stuff out there than just steroids that help these guys.

When you're as rich and famous as LeBron there's also things available to you that are only made available to a select handful of people in the world.
I dont think you can be on PEDs in this day and age for as long as its alleged Bron has without someone snitching. Everything seems to come out in the new social media age. Maybe I'm just niave.. :lol:
You gotta be extremely naive to really believe that LeBron isn't on PED's

With that being said, I'm not saying he's the only one taking them. Most of the top players in every sport are on some type of PED's, and there's much more stuff out there than just steroids that help these guys.

When you're as rich and famous as LeBron there's also things available to you that are only made available to a select handful of people in the world.
I dont think you can be on PEDs in this day and age for as long as its alleged Bron has without someone snitching. Everything seems to come out in the new social media age. Maybe I'm just niave..
You gotta be extremely naive to really believe that LeBron isn't on PED's

With that being said, I'm not saying he's the only one taking them. Most of the top players in every sport are on some type of PED's, and there's much more stuff out there than just steroids that help these guys.

When you're as rich and famous as LeBron there's also things available to you that are only made available to a select handful of people in the world.
I'm pretty sure the secretary at Biogenesis said that his agent would come in and get the PEDS but only signed his initials making it essentially untraceable. Feel like the secretary either got slapped with a gag order or something like that
You gotta be extremely naive to really believe that LeBron isn't on PED's

With that being said, I'm not saying he's the only one taking them. Most of the top players in every sport are on some type of PED's, and there's much more stuff out there than just steroids that help these guys.

When you're as rich and famous as LeBron there's also things available to you that are only made available to a select handful of people in the world.
I dont think you can be on PEDs in this day and age for as long as its alleged Bron has without someone snitching. Everything seems to come out in the new social media age. Maybe I'm just niave.. :lol:

You gotta be extremely naive to really believe that LeBron isn't on PED's

With that being said, I'm not saying he's the only one taking them. Most of the top players in every sport are on some type of PED's, and there's much more stuff out there than just steroids that help these guys.

When you're as rich and famous as LeBron there's also things available to you that are only made available to a select handful of people in the world.
I'm pretty sure the secretary at Biogenesis said that his agent would come in and get the PEDS but only signed his initials making it essentially untraceable. Feel like the secretary either got slapped with a gag order or something like that
That's what I'm talking about. Never heard that before but people can't keep their moths shut these days. She must have gotten gagged for that story not to grow legs and secretaries know a lot of dirt on their bosses dealings
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