2017 NBA Playoffs Thread - CLE @ BOS Game 5 on TNT

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d fish lookin at this pic like..... :smh:
Beard isn't fat

he doesn't have much muscle tone or definition like russ or igoudala. bruh barely looks like he's in the weight room and doesn't give a damn about his diet. but to hell with that, we've seen skinny-fat dudes like cp3, deron williams, and baron davis play at a high level
forgot about deron

these guys arent exactly oliver miller tho

there was a very short window of time in which there was a debate of who was the best point gawd in the league between dwill and cp3

too bad dwill's chubby *** couldn't stay healthy. his slow self managed to have the filthiest triple crossover

damn my dude really said Oliver Miller though... how y'all remember these cats??
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You can still be athletic and 'fit' with higher percentage body fat.

But theoretically less body fat = more muscle mass which should = better performance?
I feel like I shouldn't have been harsh on Harden after I slept on it but Demarcus Cousins is definitely fat and out of shape.
I feel like I shouldn't have been harsh on Harden after I slept on it but Demarcus Cousins is definitely fat and out of shape.

I think banging with Pau and LMA definitely took something out of him. He can do it in stretches but to ask him to do for a whole game might be to much.
I feel like I shouldn't have been harsh on Harden after I slept on it but Demarcus Cousins is definitely fat and out of shape.

I think banging with Pau and LMA definitely took something out of him. He can do it in stretches but to ask him to do for a whole game might be to much.
Like three weeks ago you and I were talking about tier one basketball players and I was debating whether or not Harden should be included. After what I've seen from this series he's definitely in.
Game 6 is going to be crazy.

Pressure is on Houston, but Spurs are potentially 50% Kawhi-less.

Enter. Jonathan Simmons 
Someone already mentioned it, but aesthetics have nothing to do with whether one is in shape or not in competitive sports.

You can look great shirtless but still be out of shape and vice versa.
DeMarcus appears to be out of shape because he's always halfway jogging or rotating slowly, if at all, on defensive assignments.

Calling Harden and CP3 out of shape is a bit ridiculous though.
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