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Does NickFolarin want to be a Lion fan again?

  • Yes, too bad he can't go back

  • No, he will wear his Bortles jersey with pride (but really shame)

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I can respect that answer and it's absolutely valid and this country gives you the right to do so... but when these Presidents are found to of done dirt (Clinton and others, too long of a list) do you hold them to the same slander and standard? Wouldn't they be just as incompetent because of the poor decision making? When Clinton repealed the Glass Steagall act, would that not be as incompetent. (I really could go on but I believe you get my point).

Not one of us could begin to understand how difficult that chair is, you say he's unfit... sure, as a politician I'd say you're right. As a businessman I'd say you're pissin in the wind and that there possibly may not be a right way to do that job. We don't know. I am also of the belief that having a party system in this day and age proves more harm than good, republican/democrat/socialist/etc just further divides and it's gotten worse with the up to the second media.

Regardless, my statement of unity stands. I believe in working with people rather than calling them a moron and letting it all fall apart.

We as a people voted him in, before it's asked. No, I didn't vote for him. Nor would I, just like I wouldn't vote for Hillary. Ever, for the both of them. Fun fact that will blow some people's minds.

Yes I hold all presidents to that standard I dont agree with what Bill Clinton did to further the prison industrial complex I disagreed with Hilary on certain issues and President Obama with his drone strikes BUT I never questioned their competency to hold the office of president unlike this current president.

And to the part bolded in red Trump was one of those people. He said himself didn't understand how difficult the job was which to me is no excuse. Anyone who thinks running a business would be easier than leading a country like he said is not qualified to lead a country. 

And I don't believe the party system is what divides us now you can have a party system and a perfectly fine democracy if you properly protect it and to do that you have to have a well informed electorate to allow them to make an informed decision but that is not currently the case for several reasons (there are some that feed off of low informations voters to take advantage of and even take steps to make it harder for certain demographics to vote in the first place) Instead we have anti-intellectualism running rampant and people only taking the word of the man who has shown to be a liar. Mix that in with people not understanding how basic government works, economics, international relations and this country having been divided because of divisions (race, gender, class etc) never properly being addressed in how it affects our society today is part of the many reasons he was able to have enough support to win office in the first place.

And i've stated before in a similar discussion not all parties play a equal hand in how bad things have gotten, spreading the blame equally to be fair when we can see for ourselves one party(s) has caused more harm than the other is pointless.

Also its funny you say you believe in working with people instead of calling them a moron and letting it fall apart because the current president seems to love that very same strategy. 

[Will reply later, but agree with a lot of your beliefs. I'm in training for a little bit.]
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Mike Vick reached out to Andy Reid about a coaching position, wants to coach QB's

Vick mentoring Mahomes :pimp:

kdslittlebro kdslittlebro


Mature Vick :pimp: what could have been if this Vick could have his 04 body back
I think he can teach a young QB a lot TBH
Well his decision-making on the field has always been below average.  I suppose he can teach guys about how to avoid his mistakes, but I'm not sure that's a full-time coaching position.

Isn't that something you like doing to a certain body part on Tannehill?

Oh, is that what we're doing? :lol:

What's your hard on for me, why am I in your mouth? Who hurt you bruv? I've ignored you most times but you want my attention so badly, what's up man? You need a hug, I got you.
Huh? I think you're confused from getting hit in the head too much.

You're the one who @ me asking my opinions about players when I'm not even involved in the conversation.

You were involved in the conversation, I made an observation.

Hard on for you? You wish.

I don't know how often I've ever quote you or anything because you never really have any substantial to say in terms of Football analysis.

The only interaction I can remember having you with is just you piggybacking CP posts. And I'm pretty sure it was just a one sided deal of you making a comment about something I posted but saying nothing to back up your claim.
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