2017 NFL off-season thread / We have moved threads, mod please lock!

Does NickFolarin want to be a Lion fan again?

  • Yes, too bad he can't go back

  • No, he will wear his Bortles jersey with pride (but really shame)

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Wouldn't even try to imagine.. some injuries you luckily don't really feel either because of adrenaline or you get knocked out.. but that, good lord :x
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im not watching that video but I did see a video of a dude ripping his sack not too long ago. the idiot tied a rope to himself and a tree with a belt around his waist and rode a bike off connected picnic tables.

Id rather rip my sack then have my nut explode though. I doubt adrenaline even masks the pain like other severe injuries. Given what it feels like to get hit in the balls that **** probably sends you to another dimension.
Busted nuts and ripped scrotums?

im not watching that video but I did see a video of a dude ripping his sack not too long ago. the idiot tied a rope to himself and a tree with a belt around his waist and rode a bike off connected picnic tables.

Id rather rip my sack then have my nut explode though. I doubt adrenaline even masks the pain like other severe injuries. Given what it feels like to get hit in the balls that **** probably sends you to another dimension.

you saw that on Your Mom's House, right? ugh that looked TERRIBLE
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