2017 NFL off-season thread / We have moved threads, mod please lock!

Does NickFolarin want to be a Lion fan again?

  • Yes, too bad he can't go back

  • No, he will wear his Bortles jersey with pride (but really shame)

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Top 3 Patriots QBs:

1. Cog 1 of Belichick's system
2. Cog 2 of Belichick's system
3. Cog 3 of Belichick's system
What a joke 
Man last time I tried to stream Mayweather Manny ive never seen so many streams get shut down at lightening speeds.

I somehow managed to find one in 480p that had russian announcers :lol: Im not messing with that and paying.

Sports fans love to argue hypotheticals more than anything and now we got one for real. This to me is a sports dream. Even if McGoat gets washed. Worth it.

Not to mention the pressers are gonna be gold.
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fight gonna be all the rounds with them just prancing round the ring and some whack *** decision
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