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Damn my dude still mad :lol:

Fact of the matter is, fmvp or no fmvp, this era of warriors’ basketball belongs to steph. Dude was the impetus of this dynasty and is still the engine of this team. This guy just won at the highest level of basketball for the third time and cemented his legacy as an all time great, you really think he’s trippin over FMVP?

Judging by the obviousness of him desperately trying to add to his box score well into the 4th quarter with the Cavs down by 20, yes, I do.

Who said that he wasn't an all time great? But how high on a list of all-time greats is he? Objectively speaking, how high do you think that a player who keeps winning rings, but doesn't have a single FMVP can rank?

For the record, I was really hoping that ****rry would get FMVP. Anything to take away from that coward Durant.

He still has time to turn it around. But if he finishes his career with 4-5 rings yet zero FMVPs, well he's not going to rank top 10 that's for sure.
Curry should've won FMVP IMO but I was cool with Durant getting it.
i think bron had already accepted the outcome of this series well before the end of game 4.

Anyone with half a brain cell accepted the outcome of the following seasons the day the coward Durant signed with a team that was already favored to win the title before he signed with them.

It just shows what a warrior LeBron is and how he'll take on any challenge, no matter how impossible it is. He knew that he would be going against a team that had 4 players that were unquestionably better than any of his teammates, and that he had no real chance. He could've easily folded, but there he was, giving it his all and carrying the Cavs to victory in that game 7 against the Celtics.

Barkley: I don't want to hear anymore LeBron vs. Jordan debates

"The next person who walks up to me and says LeBron James is as good as Michael Jordan or competes like Michael Jordan, I'm just going to slap the hell out of you on the spot. And I'm going to take my chances with the judicial system."


The real reason he is salty about someone saying LeBron is better than Jordan is because he knows that LeBron has at the very least a case over Jordan. If someone told him that Rodney Hood was better than Jordan, he wouldn't let him upset him because Rodney Hood has no case whatsoever.

If he really wanted to make it look like comparing LeBron to Jordan is a joke, he wouldn't even dignify it with a response. But you can't not dignify it with a response, can you Chuck?
Talking about the stat padding in Ls which y'all love to point out.

You realize that players can play great individually and not win, right?

You also realize that you can be the best player in a series and not win, too?
Anyone with half a brain cell accepted the outcome of the following seasons the day the coward Durant signed with a team that was already favored to win the title before he signed with them.

It just shows what a warrior LeBron is and how he'll take on any challenge, no matter how impossible it is. He knew that he would be going against a team that had 4 players that were unquestionably better than any of his teammates, and that he had no real chance. He could've easily folded, but there he was, giving it his all and carrying the Cavs to victory in that game 7 against the Celtics.

This is getting disturbing.
The real reason he is salty about someone saying LeBron is better than Jordan is because he knows that LeBron has at the very least a case over Jordan. If someone told him that Rodney Hood was better than Jordan, he wouldn't let him upset him because Rodney Hood has no case whatsoever.

If he really wanted to make it look like comparing LeBron to Jordan is a joke, he wouldn't even dignify it with a response. But you can't not dignify it with a response, can you Chuck?

no one getting salty about rodney hood or anyone else because hood isnt getting undue credit/praise. lebron is.
Twitter is still mad

Just saw a tweet saying Kerr doesnt deserve the 3 titles with the Warriors but Mark Jackson does... lolwat?!

Mark Jackson built that team

hes the one that got them boys confidence up when everyone doubted ‘jump shooting teams’

i also heard that it was Mark Jackson that favored Draymond over David Lee, something he butted heads over management about, but i dont know how true that is

its too bad that his mouth and religion got in the way of his success with that team
Kobe fans are a weird bunch. To be honest with you there a lot of "Laker fans" who are Kobe fans first. There's a large contingent of Laker fans who don't want LeBron solely because they feel like he might infringe on Kobe's legacy. I'm dead serious.

we knew that already

we ALLLLL knew that

its them that are in denial about it

i know Boston fans that will never let Bron make it because they feel it wasnt his turn yet.

and when the torch gets passed from Bron you’ll have a legion of fans that will forever hate Curry/ Durant because they feel like they skipped a step

****s childish
Poor, poor ****rry. The sad thing is that had they picked up someone that was just slightly better than Harrison Barnes instead of going overkill with Durant, ****rry would've had 2 Finals MVPs right now and everyone would be talking about how he's the best player in the world.

Instead he isn't even referred as the best player on his own team, which is a team that was built around him and his skill set. Now he's stuck giving lame, politically correct "I don't care about no Finals MVP, as long as we win" answers, where he's lying through his teeth.

You do know that guy you’re talking about is not only the best player on the Warriors... but he’s also the best player in the league.

That same player is also the player LeBron was scared to guard and wanted no smoke with.

Curry has the same amount of Championships as LeBron, greatest shooter of all time, which is not debatable, while LeBron got kicked out of the GOAT argument.

Why you mad at Curry? :lol:
we knew that already

we ALLLLL knew that

its them that are in denial about it

i know Boston fans that will never let Bron make it because they feel it wasnt his turn yet.

and when the torch gets passed from Bron you’ll have a legion of fans that will forever hate Curry/ Durant because they feel like they skipped a step

****s childish

I'm a Lakers fan first. I don't like Kevin Durant and I still think he's a snake, but if he joined the Lakers I'd be rooting for that dude every night. :lol::lol::lol:

Kobe's legacy is secured and all that stuff is in the past. I want to win, and I don't really care who helps us do that.
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