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They were just down 3-2 two weeks ago man :lol: they are not invincible
yea there will be two or three teams next year who will contend with them next year as well. this team can be beat they were a quarter away from being eliminated by houston.
Lakers won 47 games the year before Magic came. Won 60 his rookie year. Magic made the team stacked.

How many wins Warriors get before steph got there ? he couldn't touch 60 wins his rookie year bec. He had guys like Corey maggette and Monta ellis who easily could have killed his career..
The losing team also lost...duh. We can play this hypothetical game all you want, I'm still taking the Warriors 10x outta 10 in that series EVEN with a healthy CP3. Bottom line...like the actual bottom line...they are heads/shoulders above EVERY team - until proven otherwise. Every team in the NBA is just chasing at this point. The gap is wide. It's going to take some crazy player shuffling around the league to close that gap a bit.

How are you Head and shoulders above a team when you go down 3-2 and are trailing in the 2nd half of G7?

Did you actually watch the series or are you just talking? :lol:
He's sitting on two and this Warriors team is built for another 4 years.. he will beat Kareems scoring record and he's only 29 and already more than halfway to goat level
but this warriors team is going on 4 straight finals appearances. a burn out will happen sooner than later
Lebron is a tool by the way for that stunt about the hand.

If you're able to keep quiet about it throughout the series why cry about it after the fact.
Reminds me if pacaqiao after the Mayweather fight.. I was a fan of his till he pulled the injury card and claimed he won smh
Lakers won 47 games the year before Magic came. Won 60 his rookie year. Magic made the team stacked.

steph was coming to a team that was in the lottery coming off less than 30 wins. magic had the luxury of playing with established players and coach riley most of his career while steph had to go through some lean years and complete roster turnover
but this warriors team is going on 4 straight finals appearances. a burn out will happen sooner than later

That's the only thing that can beat this team a burnout .. core players are all under 30 minus lol I think everyone outside the bay area is wishing what you are bec. Everyone else's teams can't compete
why would lebron be merting with teams like the celtis, spurs, and warriors? they dont have enough cap space to sign him
Kobe or Jordan would never be upbeat after getting swept in the Finals against a bitter rival.

i think bron had already accepted the outcome of this series well before the end of game 4. when he was at the press conference making comparisons between cavs' starting five and the warriors starting five and essentially throwing his teammates under the bus it was pretty blatant that he was saying, "we aren't winning this thing."

i'm sure bruh had already made his peace with it. fact is, he won one chip for cleveland...cavs were playing with house money at this point.
Lebron averaged 34/10/9 with one eye and a broken hand.

A forreal y’all, I think Steph was robbed of FMVP >D
He's sitting on two and this Warriors team is built for another 4 years.. he will beat Kareems scoring record and he's only 29 and already more than halfway to goat level

This Golden State team is built to last, I'm not doubting that but he's not going to come anywhere close to Kareem's all-time scoring mark. Kareem has over 38,000 points and its taken Durant 11 full seasons to get to 20,000 and other than one season, he's been pretty healthy. To be honest he'll be lucky to get to 30,000 (which is still a huge accomplishment).

Kevin Durant is a great player, and all-time great as much as it pains me to say but he's not getting anywhere close to Kareem in anything (scoring, NBA titles, league MVPs)
steph was coming to a team that was in the lottery coming off less than 30 wins. magic had the luxury of playing with established players and coach riley most of his career while steph had to go through some lean years and complete roster turnover

Lol Magic was a beast from day 1. Steph had to take a bargain bin deal after his rookie one was up cause there was concerns his ankles could hold up. Steph is an all time great but there are LEVELS to this. Comparing him to Magic is as ridiculous as comparing Bron to MJ.
the thing that really messed both lebron and kd up as far as individual stats go is being on stacked teams.
Because it was expected lol

There were 62 people on bette who voted the Cavs to win. I would like to know what kind of weed they were smoking cause I need some. It definitely must have been some good **** to have them tripping like that.
Steph is an all time great but there are LEVELS to this. Comparing him to Magic is as ridiculous as comparing Bron to MJ.

Agree. Steph is the 2nd best PG of all time....and possibly the most dominant force on the court since Shaq....but Career wise...Magic is untouchable at the PG spot.

Steph’s 4 year run....and him at his Peak is one of the 3 or 4 best players ever though.
There were 62 people on bette who voted the Cavs to win. I would like to know what kind of weed they were smoking cause I need some. It definitely must have been some good **** to have them tripping like that.
Let’s be real

No Kyrie no chance lol

It’s basically like how some people would bet on cle on some of these games. Shot in the dark hoping for a miracle. Money was good to bet on them tho :lol:
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