2018 NBA Playoffs Thread

Who will win The Finals

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I liked Larkin a lot more when he could just be a random spark plug for the bench as the 4th PG.
Bledsoe is so ******* garbage. Hope his expiring contract is appealing to somebody next year
What game are you watching where Giannis isn’t getting doubled? It’s literally everyone in help when he has the ball

Then Snell, Terry, Middleton and every other shooter they have need to move without the ball better. You have arguably a top 5 talent in the league with solid role players everywhere. You should be able to get passed Marcus Morris and Shane Larkin come on.
The other big problem is the bucks have no interior defense. Henson can block a few but gets pushed around more often then not
Giannis jumper has gotten better though. He's also added a baseline fade to his game this year that's really helped.

Is this the first time you guys have watched the Bucks this season? there is so much misinformation being thrown around right now lol.
Why do y'all always do this lol

He's 23 years old or at least that's what we're led to believe

He's literally scoring at will on the #1 defense and in the playoffs to boot

This Only becomes a thing because people are to dam eager to crown the "new" & put people on pedestals they didn't earn yet. & then when they don't meet the expectations of what ya'll hyped people begin to bring up age again.

Your right Giannis is A great talent, he still has time to grow.... but all year you've had people calling him Top 5 or sitting just outside... If these same people really believe that he's that... then Losing to The Celtics in their current state isn't an option.

Same with the Sixers... their a young team that surprisingly got the third seed. However their extremely young. under normal circumsstances nobody would bat an eye if they lost first round. But over the past few weeks i've heard things like They could make the Finals, They have two top 20 players.... If this is real feeling and not just mindless hype..... Then they get judged on the expectations people crowned them with.
honestly the real difference between the two is the coaching.

said it last game, but it bears repeating. switch coaches and bucks are winning by 30 every night

best coach in the league against an interim coach, who is most likely the worst coach in the playoffs.

Let's get it. If the Pels are in the playoff in May when I return to the city I'm dropping $400 on a ticket
i see u wit dat fried chicken wit tonys seasonin homie ..eat good drink good Po up
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