2019-20 NFL thread: Thread's dead. Move into spacedoodoo's

I think Matthieu is a good player but I do think there’s some truth to his reputation compensating for talent. I’m not sure he’s as good as he used to be or as good as people think.

There’s very few guys you just don’t test at all. And then, there’s guys you can catch sleeping every now and then and that’s where I’d put Honey Badger. Above average but not exactly Elite.
There’s very few guys you just don’t test at all. And then, there’s guys you can catch sleeping every now and then and that’s where I’d put Honey Badger. Above average but not exactly Elite.
This. Dude is mad meh. He def isn’t a honey badger in the NFL. He was a honey badger in college, but that his game hasn’t followed him in the league. He’s mad meh.
Landon Collins is buns at converge. Son can hit, but that’s about it. I hate to see that we lost him, but I’m glad we didn’t give him $84 million. He def isn’t worth that much money :lol:
It’s rebuild for my Bucs. I can see it now

Nah. Arians didn’t come out of retirement for a rebuild. They gotta either think Dirk and Mike Smith were just completely terrible or have something else up their sleeves.

buc em buc em tell me about Kwon.

He’ll be a fan favorite for sure as long as he comes back from the ACL tear the same player. Vocal leader of the defense. Tries way too hard sometimes to make splash plays sometimes though and completely blows his assignment. Can sometimes get ate up in coverage. Super athletic and quick for a LB and will make some awesome tackles for loss when he blitzes. Only played 18 games the past two seasons though.

He has his pros and his cons for sure.
I think he did live up to the hype it was just for a very short period of time. The multiple torn ACL's dropped his game down a notch. He was DPOY worthy before the first one. and great again before the second. But i guess to live up to hype it needs to be sustained longer despite having injuries idk. He did prove he was as good as he was supposed to be at the next level from college though.
I wonder if this year's safety market compared to last is exposing the league of the Eric Reid effect.

Broncos have some pretty good tackles. He stays healthy they may have something there for sure.

Broncos have some pretty good tackles. He stays healthy they may have something there for sure.

I'm hopeful something comes together but being in the AFC West right now certainly doesn't help.

Raiders and Chiefs spooky |l.
Chargers went to the playoffs though, 11-3 and got to divisional but you're worried about the Raiders? :lol:
Yeah them too lol, I clearly recognize that we're currently at the bottom rn.
Bottomline is our division isn't sweet.
Al Davis's ghost is smiling down at all these Raiders splashes this offseason,dude would've given AB all the money :lol:
Chargers went to the playoffs though, 11-3 and got to divisional but you're worried about the Raiders? :lol:

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