2020-21 NBA Offseason thread: Officially a wrap

“To be honest,” he said, “I can’t have sex with women.” @shotsrangout spoke of his original passion for men, prompting reporter NikeTalk to ask when he got into women.

“I’m still not really into them,” @shotsrangout answered. But he quickly walked that back. “I love women, yeah. They're what I do.”

NikeTalk noted the poster was “not entirely convincing” and @shotsrangout followed with a comment that he’d let women go for men because he can spike the balls and dance. “You can do all type of disrespectful stuff.”

Well damn.

He sounds like he's already been bonked on the head too many times

"you can spike the ball, you can dance"
Fool, what? Is he 5 yrs old.

I don't know man. I get it...but he sounds like a modern teenager from Atlanta to me. :lol:

Don't let that article get it ****** up that the other narrative on him is that he's a dog in the gym. I'm willing to excuse my 19 year old rookie for wanting to be the next Lil Baby and bringing gumbo to Benihana's if he's clocking in.

More importantly, nobody in this draft is realistically expected to save anyone's franchise. Of course a star or two could emerge but most of these guys are building blocks. Whoever drafts Anthony Edwards...isn't necessarily handing him the keys to the franchise if you get me.
Having no fans in arenas changes the dynamic imo. Plus Butler was actively ****ting on the wolves franchise future in towns and Wiggins

Which good young players would harden be sabotaging? Housecall?

* in before "players won't want to sign there"*

as if they can't just draft the next james harden and have him under contract for the next 7 years :lol:
Having no fans in arenas changes the dynamic imo. Plus Butler was actively ****ting on the wolves franchise future in towns and Wiggins

Which good young players would harden be sabotaging? Housecall?

It's just posturing. Houston isn't going into the season with two star players who don't want to be there. I saw a tweet that they're already over the luxury tax even after the Covington trade. It sounds cool in theory, hold onto guys against their will until you get what you want. But it never plays out like that and would be a nightmare to deal with. Disgruntled employees don't give full effort and it would be a waste of everyone's time. Butler went butler, Kyrie threatened knee surgery. Best thing for an owner to do is accomodate the player as best they can and move on. I don't even like Harden but he gave the rockets the best years of his career. Do what you can to put him in a good spot and take what you can get
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