2021-22 NFL Off-Season Thread | Training Camp

Will any teams be forced to forfeit games due to COVID-19?

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Kap didnt lose his career over kneeling. He was never signed by a team as a Free agent due to the fact that those teams looked at the value of the player and decided his value was not great enough to sign + deal the side show it would attract.

lets stick to facts.
Fact- Kap a QB that once lead his team the super bowl was benched by that team before the season started. THEN SHORTLY after for the first time he started kneeling. IN fact he regained his job as a starting QB in the NFL after he first took a knee. #FACTS

if CAM took a knee instead of KAP. Cam starts the entire season for panthers and if was free agent a team looks at his VALUE and signs him up. imo

deal with facts folks and not opinion. Opinions that you sell as facts is what fox news does....dont be fox news
“Kap didn’t lose his career over kneeling” is a hell of a way to start off multiple paragraphs about “let’s stick to facts” :lol: :smh:
Kap didnt lose his career over kneeling. He was never signed by a team as a Free agent due to the fact that those teams looked at the value of the player and decided his value was not great enough to sign + deal the side show it would attract.

lets stick to facts.
Fact: shining a light on police abuse towards black people is not a side show.

“Kap didn’t lose his career over kneeling” is a hell of a way to start off multiple paragraphs about “let’s stick to facts” :lol: :smh:

there are facts and there are opinions

I stated facts....kap became a starting QB in the NFL AFTER he took a knee.....see that fact gets glossed over by a lot of folks.......got benched in preseason before kneeling, NO TEAM wanted to trade for him......then he started kneeling.......thats clear value....which was close to zero where you have watson who had bidding war of teams for his TALENTS. AND that was with 20+ law suits....kap had little to no value BEFORE ever taking a knee......thats my opinion and seemly the opinion of many if not all NFL teams who were not lining up to trade for him from the 9ers BEFORE he ever took a knee.......

here is opinion if Kap had a the talent of a watson or cam he does not lose his career. His career was lost due to talent not being valued + sideshow.... Waton talent + sideshow = back in the in NFL by week 7 with big bag. But yea guys tell yourself that if Watson took a knee hes out NFL lmao wow

did I state that shining light on police abuse towards black people is a side show.? nope

Taking a knee is not the sideshow.....the lightning rod division among many fans at each home field is the sideshow plus the media circus plus the players having to answer millions of questions is the sideshow.....or do you think 90% of NFL fans supported kap? i'm thinking more like 40% I was in that 40%

I have no issue with Kap. He is in the history books for def taking a knee for good reason. I wish more QBs followed suit at the time.

by the way what happened when the NFL organized a workout for kap in front of NFL teams? guys all around the country flying in to see him? I don't recall much of the details....but seemed like it turned into a sideshow.....
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When Kap was a free agent multiple QB’s were signed who did not have half the resume or talent as he. Very interesting player selection by NFL GM’s.


hE sEtTLeD sO hE iS iNnOcEnT

If he isn't innocent what would you say he is?
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When Kap was a free agent multiple QB’s were signed who did not have half the resume or talent as he. Very interesting player selection by NFL GM’s.


If he isn't innocent what would you say he is?

9ers benched him, 31 teams could have easily traded for him. They did not. Why? Second it was news that he was benched why didnt NFL teams call the 9ers and beg to get him? again, fact he was benched before he ever took a knee....

you guys seem to be avoiding the question I keep having. VALUE.

I see a lot of opinions here today.

give yours

if KAP was exactly as talented as CAM was in 2015. Do you in YOUR opinion believe he spends a day out the league?


what was it? 5 teams lining up to trade for watson with 20+ cases

who was Kap benched for? Blaine Gabbert. but yea he shoudl have been signed right up..... V A L U E. he didnt have it, he wasnt as talented as Watson. If he was, hes playing today folks and you damn well know it.

do I think kap is better than blaine, and at least a handful of starting QBs in the following years....sure but that doesnt mean his value is worth getting him. If watson talent he never misses a game
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there are facts and there are opinions

I stated facts....kap became a starting in the NFL AFTER he took a knee.....see that fact gets glossed over by a lot of folks.......got benched in preseason before kneeling, NO TEAM wanted to trade for him......then he started kneeling.......thats clear value...

This isnt exactly accurate though. He wasnt "benched" in the preseason. He was working his way back from injury, and wasnt ready. It was not a "benching." And I dont even know what you are talking about saying no team wanted to trade for him and then he started kneeling. He wasnt on the trade block prior to kneeling. So how could you know that zero team was interested?

So no, what I quoted from you werent facts.
This isnt exactly accurate though. He wasnt "benched" in the preseason. He was working his way back from injury. And I dont even know what you are talking about saying no team wanted to trade for him and then he started kneeling. He wasnt on the trade block prior to kneeling.

So no, what I quoted from you werent facts.

he was benched. he had issues with management even the season before...and was benched a game or 2 with no injury issue. .in 2015 he even requested a trade.
49ers some point in august told kap that they are going with Blaine for the season opener. Clearly there was friction between both sides leading up to that season for at least 12 months. my point about facts is that he actually did get his starting job back although he was taking a knee.......if his talent level was that of CAMs he does not ever lose his job although kneeling. thats the point folks thats all.

far as trade goes, never stated I know any facts regarding that.....I'm not in NFL.....thats only from what I see.....if a player is benched who started as many games as kap did.....one would assume that a NFL GM could trade for him.....after all a year earlier the player himself wanted to be traded.....but guess they were not lining up for great kap

again the facts are he was TOLD he was not going to start the season as the QB its Blaine and HE was going to be the starter.. NOT oh lets give you a few more weeks to get healthy.
shortly after Kap was told he was BENCHED from being the starting QB he started kneeling. SO fact 1. 9ers never took his starting job due to kneeling. fact 2. At some point during reg season although kneeling he was a NFL starting QB. Those are the only 2 facts that I keep repeating. These ARE facts...... All else is opinion, like many of you when It comes to Watsons "guilt"

your opinon is different I guess? I guess you guys think if he had talent of a pro bowl QB or better he still out the league after 16 season......lets agree to disagree
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there are facts and there are opinions

I stated facts....kap became a starting QB in the NFL AFTER he took a knee.....see that fact gets glossed over by a lot of folks.......got benched in preseason before kneeling, NO TEAM wanted to trade for him......then he started kneeling.......thats clear value....which was close to zero where you have watson who had bidding war of teams for his TALENTS. AND that was with 20+ law suits....kap had little to no value BEFORE ever taking a knee......thats my opinion and seemly the opinion of many if not all NFL teams who were not lining up to trade for him from the 9ers BEFORE he ever took a knee.......

here is opinion if Kap had a the talent of a watson or cam he does not lose his career. His career was lost due to talent not being valued + sideshow.... Waton talent + sideshow = back in the in NFL by week 7 with big bag. But yea guys tell yourself that if Watson took a knee hes out NFL lmao wow

did I state that shining light on police abuse towards black people is a side show.? nope

Taking a knee is not the sideshow.....the lightning rod division among many fans at each home field is the sideshow plus the media circus plus the players having to answer millions of questions is the sideshow.....or do you think 90% of NFL fans supported kap? i'm thinking more like 40% I was in that 40%

I have no issue with Kap. He is in the history books for def taking a knee for good reason. I wish more QBs followed suit at the time.

by the way what happened when the NFL organized a workout for kap in front of NFL teams? guys all around the country flying in to see him? I don't recall much of the details....but seemed like it turned into a sideshow.....
I hear you as far as he wasn't a top 5-8 QB like Deshaun so the so called "distraction" didn't match the talent but he did lose his career because of kneeling. If he didn't do that he woulda stayed in the league. The NFL is full bum QB's, way worse than Kaep that's just hanging around.
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