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Friendly reminder that older teams typically fare well in the NBA

The average age for a championship team is 28 years old. The 15 Warriors won with an average age under 27 but you got go back to the early 80s and prior to find teams that won chips at that age or younger.

AD is 28 (Lakers average age 31)
KD is 33 (Nets average age 28
Giannis is 27 (Bucks average age 29)

All the fortunes of the only real championship contenders ride with those main guys.
The average age for a championship team is 28 years old. The 15 Warriors won with an average age under 27 but you got go back to the early 80s and prior to find teams that won chips at that age or younger.

AD is 28 (Lakers average age 31)
KD is 33 (Nets average age 28
Giannis is 27 (Bucks average age 29)

All the fortunes of the only real championship contenders ride with those main guys.
Yea the Nets are old themselves especially when you consider that they have a bunch of young guys that aren't gonna see the court at all or even make the final roster
Russ had multiple injuries last year. Played through some, mostly looked like *** when he did. He played his guts out, don't get me wrong, but I think "carry" is overstating what he'll be able to do.

50 wins sounds about right though. But I expect them to get NO calls when they're playing against the Bucks/Jazz/Warriors type teams that can actually beat them. Hell, I think Dwight already picked up a foul and a T :lol:

They also know they just need to get about a 4 seed and get into the playoffs. Killing yourself getting a #1 seed for home court isn't the all encompassing advantage it perhaps once was. If Russ is the starter in the WCF, I'll go out on a limb and say they don't make the finals. If they switch up or he's injured, then I'll say they do. Regardless, I'm so excited to watch this season. So many good matchups and stories to watch. Hope my guy Wall finds a squad
We shall see
Russ is going to be the third option for the first time in his career & the two other players are some of the biggest mismatches in the league. as long as role players can knockdown open shots the Lakers should be Elite offensively.

Defense is another convo but having AD/Dwight protecting the rim, & Bron come playoff time doesn't worry me much. Bazemore & THT are also two guys who i could see having a big impact on defense.
James White to this day probably still somewhere doing btw the legs from the ft line with ease yet still always losing the dunk contests
Westbrook is a playoff kiss of death so doubt bout the Lakers make any real noise when it matters…They can enjoy the regular season W’s tho

Will you be ready to put your money where your mouth is when the playoffs start?
The average age for a championship team is 28 years old. The 15 Warriors won with an average age under 27 but you got go back to the early 80s and prior to find teams that won chips at that age or younger.

AD is 28 (Lakers average age 31)
KD is 33 (Nets average age 28
Giannis is 27 (Bucks average age 29)

All the fortunes of the only real championship contenders ride with those main guys.


Most of these teams listed have been playing together for awhile and/or have repeated (Bulls 3peat).

Lebrons 2012 Heatles is the exception. He was in his prime, and his cast mates were much younger and not so removed from their respective primes. This years Lakers team is not replicating a similar paradigm. What tangible evidence do you guys have, which suggest they'll win?

I mean, yeah, they have a lot of experience and some big names, but usually you hit a lot of injuries with age. The body recovers much slower. And, there's always the element of volatility from Westbrook.

Most of these teams listed have been playing together for awhile and/or have repeated (Bulls 3peat).

Lebrons 2012 Heatles is the exception. He was in his prime, and his cast mates were much younger and not so removed from their respective primes. This years Lakers team is not replicating a similar paradigm. What tangible evidence do you guys have, which suggest they'll win?

The Lakers don't have to duplicate anything. Their best player is 28 and in the middle of his prime. Bron is old but when he's on the floor is still a top 5 player at worst. That alone gives them a great chance to win barring health as we saw in 2020.

Russ is still a really good regular season player at his age and his motor is never really in question. I think his playoff shortcomings will be mitigated to a large factor because of the team around him.

The supporting cast is a mix of young and old. Dwert, Melo, Rondo, Ariza are going to be playing specific roles just those other older teams had guys to play spot minutes and based on what was needed at the time. Nunn, Monk, THT are going to be leaned on in the regular season which SHOULD get them used to playing in high level games (Nunn already has, THT did somewhat).

Basically if Bron and AD are healthy, we're getting to the finals, I have ZERO doubts about that. And as I said it's a toss up with them and Brooklyn tbh.

Brooklyn barely played together at all last year and were about to skate to the finals before the injuries. The thing is if you have overwhelming talent that pretty much every time wins out if all your guys are available. Only thing that's going to derail a Nets-Show titanic matchup in June is health.
Lebrons 2012 Heatles is the exception. He was in his prime, and his cast mates were much younger and not so removed from their respective primes. This years Lakers team is not replicating a similar paradigm. What tangible evidence do you guys have, which suggest they'll win?

I mean, yeah, they have a lot of experience and some big names,
but usually you hit a lot of injuries with age. The body recovers much slower. And, there's always the element of volatility from Westbrook.

That’s literally all the evidence thats available.

Not like dudes are in here making an arguement for Sacramento winning the chip :lol:
The average age for a championship team is 28 years old. The 15 Warriors won with an average age under 27 but you got go back to the early 80s and prior to find teams that won chips at that age or younger.

AD is 28 (Lakers average age 31)
KD is 33 (Nets average age 28
Giannis is 27 (Bucks average age 29)

All the fortunes of the only real championship contenders ride with those main guys.
Yeah LeBron has basically made a career of ruthlessly focusing on current level competitiveness (I.e. not overvaluing young guys or really valuing potential at all, valuing veterans highly even if they are near the end of the line) because he knows you can always switch it up again. It’s smart. Also you can always leave a team once they’ve passed their competitive window.
Ja is a better in game dunker when he's not thinking and lowkey being reckless. Same with Zion to a lesser extent. That dunk off during the rising star challenge was a preview

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