2021 NFL Off-Season Thread

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PLZ. I need my Niners to grab one of those top QBs.

Yall don’t have a shot at a top 3 pick. Better off trading for Stafford or Ryan.

Falling on a live football isn’t it easy.

Eagles need to wake their bich asses up.

Jets pulled Quinnen out? Good move
Woody must have called the sideline and told Gase to pull some players or they’ll never work in the NFL again
The funny this is the Jets have been irrelevant since Broadway Joe, yet MF still wish them the worst.

Guess what **** all ya *****es .... ya dudes hate for NY to do good. ONCE WE GET LAWRENCE we will win a superbowl, at the very least the SuperBall which is my nuts in ya haters mouth. LoL
The complete erasure of the Ryan/Sanchize years :lol:
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