2021 NFL Off-Season Thread

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Glad that Stafford is likely gonna be freed soon but what's up with Matt Ryan?

Thought Atlanta would've done the same and confirm a separation after the regular season but its been quiet on that front.

Also interesting in seeing what Julio's future looks like
Hot and Heavy

There’s a lot of people in Houston that have been wondering this about Cal in the first place. Just look at his face. That’s a guy that uses to eat crayons well into his middle school years. He’s not fit to be an owner. His spineless, tonedeaf, and can easily be tricked, which is why Jack Easterby has moved up into the staff/front office like he has. This started with the Duane Brown trade, but like Chris Paul to the Lakers being nixed for “basketball reasons”, the NFL should’ve stepped in for the Hopkins trade and called it “football reasons”. This dude is a cancer to the city of Houston and deserves to go broke.
Goff to the Lions won’t do **** any better for the franchise than Stafford, good luck on nailing the first round picks.
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