2021 NFL Off-Season Thread

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That wasn't the problem. The problem was taking the sack. Should've ran on 3rd and 2 with 1 timeout. Were going to kick FG anyways, no need to put yourself out of range.

And Koo had already drilled 2 50 yarders
That was a perfect example of why Gurley is so washed. They chose to let Matt Ryan pass the ball instead of run the ball with Gurley?

Its a sad thing to see.
Hill doesn’t look bad but he doesn’t look like a QB. Reminds me of when an outfielder comes in and pitches during a blowout.

I wouldnt say its that obv looking

hold up...taysom hill is 30 yo?

Thats what you get when you are Mormon. They have to do missions either during/after school before pro sports.

Some times you see dudes in their mid 20s on Mormon college teams
been watching the pats so gotta ask, has taysom been the problem?

nah, he's doing about as well as you'd expect from a back up QB. been avoiding pressure and finding open receivers. if michael thomas doesn't drop a wide open pass in the redzone, they've got at least 13 going into the half.
Ravens look bad but somehow they’re always in the game or winning. This offense has looked bad today but they’re up.
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