2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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Draymond saying this all stemmed from Poole acting different, I was expecting he just gave him a casual two piece but there's real hate involved when you leave your feet like that.
Im just saying it wasnt a sucker punch and you gotta be ready no matter who it is. Its also a big deal for many reasons, high profile players, defending champs, etc.

Is it a big deal? Yes. Is it that big of a deal in the long run? Probably not.
Honestly I don’t care if people think it was or wasn’t a sucker punch

It’s the folks putting extras on it or interjecting irrelevant examples or personal stories to justify
I def seen teammates that dont **** with each other and fights pop off... I guess you could say we not proffessional athletes though. Still not a sucker punch
If one of my team mates gets into a scuffle? You sure as hell believe ima be right there defending his ***, even if I gotta run over from off the bench.
What y’all think would’ve happened if it was Steph catching the punch?

Too many factors that are different. Steph and Dray been teammates longer, been through more, Steph aint much of a talker like Poole seems to be, Steph also the star player etc.

But say he did catch a fist to the face, this would be a lot worse on Drays end no doubt. Its Steph. :lol:

What if it was Bron?
Not enough Sucker Punch content on here. Have some more -
RJ knew he’d get strong reactions, but I don’t think what he said is that outlandish. Vic’s looking like a generational prospect and height is always going to win with some basketball execs. Sam Bowie got drafted over Michael Jordan.
He lives in the most exclusive neighborhood. Not like anyone can even drive by to see those decorations
Brentwood right? Last time the masses flooded that neighborhood was the OJ chase and they said then, these type of crowds aren’t normal here.
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