2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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I mess with the longest yard. Big daddy is a classic. Click was good to me. Didn’t check for much of anything else in that era from him
Adam Sandler had a great seven, eight year prime run in the late 90s to early 00s.

Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Wedding Singer, Bulletproof, Waterboy, Big Daddy, Mr. Deeds, 50 First Dates.
Not one of these titles ring any bells to me and I'm a movie guy (i might be lying about 50 first dates tho). Comedies of that time period were indeed only relying on weird faces, high pitched elocution and vibes but to each his own
The longest yard is decent, I think he wasn’t trying too hard in that plus there were many other characters to help the comedy overall

Big daddy and click tho… I can’t
As long they don’t hit the Asian Spas in Queens. That’s my go to when the drought comes along. I’d be devastated.
Yall got those in New York too? All Asian or diverse? Mostly Asian down here, but a new jawn opened up that did what I wondered why more haven't and she has all kinds. She calls it a Salon, has a true storefront, hair machines, the foot in the water things, a sauna, she even sells toiletries and hair products at the register but it's actually a massage house. If you come across the girls on rubmd, they tell you to meet them there or you can just pull up but you dont know what girls are there that way. But if Vice gets sent in to investigate, they'd just walk in and see a what appears to be a functioning salon. a-friend a-friend Tiana's Salon on Classen next to Seafood Party.
And Will Ferrell is not funny. He has one go to move, be loud and over the top. Only time I found him funny was his character on Eastboard and Down.
I can’t believe somebody in here actually said will Ferrell sucked. Anchorman, the other guys , stepbrothers, semi pro, talladega nights … come on now

And while sandler ain’t been good ina. Few decades waterboy, Billy Madison and wedding singer will always exist
I absolutely will not ever watch a Will Ferrell or Steve Carroll movie I just can't do it with those two dudes Kenny Powers is moving along that same track. Once you've seen a Will Ferrell Kenny Powers or Steve Carroll movie you've seen them all
I absolutely will not ever watch a Will Ferrell or Steve Carroll movie I just can't do it with those two dudes Kenny Powers is moving along that same track. Once you've seen a Will Ferrell Kenny Powers or Steve Carroll movie you've seen them all
Agreed on Will Ferrell, was on the same stance about Carell up until quite recently, he dropped a couple undeniable bangers lately imo
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