2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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I thought it was legit when he was the Warriors reporter for one season. Then I found out he only lasted one season and he's actually trash lol
Btw: jilly anais sure knows how to pick em

After dejounte tore his acl she moved onto deshaun Watson

She may have also started dating Watson before breaking it off with dejounte
I can’t believe there are people employed by espn and fox who get paid to speak their opinion and their response to the KD drama yesterday is:

Call his bluff! Bring him back. Make him play!

At this point, Tsai is praying KD sits out bc otherwise they will have to send him home with pay. Zero chance you wanna see KD answering questions in training camp about how he publically wants his coach and Gm fired.


Imagine thinking the nets would bring KD into training camp to run drills ran by Nash lol
Kyrie came out too and said he hates Nash and marks.

Y’all not seeing that.

Toxic will be an understatement. Will be worse than Harden Rockets start of the season when he wore a fat suit. He was putting up 40 pieces but vibes were terrible. It’s common sense
It's funny because a few weeks ago they were talking an "auction" style bid for KD where every team was going to be throwing these crazy packages and BK was gonna sit back like they were the Westeros Small Council choose between them.
He's gotta make everyone miserable like Jimmy did in Minnesota/James did in Houston. But he might be too aloof to do it.
It's funny because a few weeks ago they were talking an "auction" style bid for KD where every team was going to be throwing these crazy packages and BK was gonna sit back like they were the Westeros Small Council choose between them.
Reality is starting to hit them that the teams that he'd actually sign off on don't want to gut their rosters for a soon to be 34 year old mercurial superstar with recent injury history no matter how much of an All-Timer he is
Without reading the article I can’t get jiggy with that blurb. The nets were 36-19 when he played. He was having an MVP level season
He's not describing KD as that though, he's saying that that would be his last card and best play to force a move through since by all accounts he doesn't wanna be back unless they make moves that the owner has already ruled out.

Didn't read it at all as him saying that that's how KD's been :lol:
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