2022 NBA Offseason Thread: Preseason kicks off; Things are fine in Los Angeles, Draymond beats the charges

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None of these people are broke. WNBA also needs to get rid of that rule where you can’t fly private either


By the early 1990s...there were still NBA teams travelling commercially. It currently costs NBA teams over $2M/year to charter flights.

I don't have access to the WNBA financials...but I'd imagine that would significantly increase each team's operating income. I can't say what the owners/league should be doing when I don't know how much of an L they'd be taking on the backend.

I say that to say...feasibility always trumps the nobility card in business.
Didnt joe tsai get fined when he chartered private flights for ny liberty last yr. I think it violated some part of their cba

I think some of their players were showing off on the gram cause they had a billionaire owner that booked a private plane for them while other teams were not

Not sure about Tsai but Mark Davis got in trouble for doing this for the Aces.
If you charter one team you have to charter all of them to keep it competitive. Can’t have 1 team getting stranded commercial while the other is chilling in their hotel. I’m general the WNBA situation is weird.

The entire league has like a 23 mill cap for all the teams combined. I’m suprised some outlet doesn’t just fork the money over and actually market it. Like it would be Pennie’s for Netflix or Apple TV to get wnba streaming rights. Live sports are still fairly desirable. Cause right now there’s liek zero marketing for the WNBA and I don’t even know what channel they play on
U think i need to explain to u why i find something funny ?

I laugh at whatever i want. U don't like the pic or find anything funny, all good, keep it moving. I see plenty of **** here i don't find funny. I also don't feel the need to play moral superhero on a message board. So to answer your question i find the fact that they put her on a Wiz Khalifa kinda body and she looks no different. Is it ok for me to laugh now while u figure it out ?
By the early 1990s...there were still NBA teams travelling commercially. It currently costs NBA teams over $2M/year to charter flights.

I don't have access to the WNBA financials...but I'd imagine that would significantly increase each team's operating income. I can't say what the owners/league should be doing when I don't know how much of an L they'd be taking on the backend.

I say that to say...feasibility always trumps the nobility card in business.

Yeah I 100% understand this and won’t even compare them to a league 75 years old just because the same sport. That’s not what I’m saying.

But the league got stuff they gotta get right. Becky hammon gets paid more than the entire aces roster. Again I’m not looking at the financials but it doesn’t make sense to own something if you’re not going to invest in it. Clearly the little revenue the WNBA makes isn’t even a side project for these owners. This isn’t Jerry buss going broke to buy the Lakers.
Even with the ATL traffic, the logistics of some kids trying sell water on them wide *** highways with folks going 100mph is nuts :lol:

I done seen them youngins scrap with each other and drivers on North Ave and northside drive tho :lol: :smh:

Dudes were legit riding bird scooters downtown. There has definitely been water boys in standstill traffic.

One kid got shot off a I-285 ramp selling

I'd assume one of VanVleet/Siakam wouldn't be outbound since it'd make zero sense for KD to play w/ the remaining roster. So if the best package Toronto can offer is Barnes/Trent/OG...might as well hurry about and get the Boston deal done.

Hope it blows up in Boston's faces.

The minute the trade request broke we knew he was checked out of BK mentally. Nothing we've heard since would lead anyone to believe he's reversed course.

Still think he'll get traded but it'll continue to drag out even longer until BK's exhausted all options for the best return package possible
Don't think Boston will give up more than JB+White. Don't see who else is even beating that other than a major offer from New Orleans or Toronto.
Hope KD livestreams the next meeting since all the info comes out anyway lol
Bucher's been one of the worst 'insiders' in the game for years, not sure why anyone takes anything he says seriously
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