2022 NFL Draft Thread Vol: Game Day!

Just seen my man with the grill and the big chains, no way the Giants drafting him.

ESPN really needs to retire Chris Mortensen, it’s time. Go enjoy what you have left.

It’s also time to stop forcing Greenberg on us all the time. I don’t know who the **** likes this man but we don’t.

MAGA Mel at home cause he’s unvaccinated. What a loser.
They have Plaxico PTSD .. lmao

What MF goes to the club and shoot himself. Lol

Send Toney to the Jets though ... kid has talent.
Cotdamn at the "sea of humanity" out there for the draft.
Cube front row and the Raiders not even drafting tonight? Not planned at all.

Carr’s cut, hahahahahaa

MAGA Cube broke the mic
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