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#DubsIn4 :pimp: :nthat:
hasn't this trio been together for 10 years?
That's part of what made it especially miserable. He spent four years role-playing an inmate on a message board and nobody cared. That's Luka's entire NBA career, and all he has to show for it are a few pity reps.

It may not have even shown up on my radar had he not decided to pinch off a "professional athletes who get treated like roadside zoo attractions by yokels have it lucky" take the other night. Nothing screams "burner account" like AM radio grievance politics.

I did a quick scan of the post history and I can see why nobody bothered to report it. It's Bryan Colangelo level sad - but without the relevance.
In a PYP thread, he posted a photo that can easily be traced back to a 2016 article about a prison yoga program in South Africa - to the momentary amusement of a single person.
Emboldened by this daring caper, he made the mistake of lazily cropping the caption out of a viral Twitter picture and attempting to pawn it off as his own. He got caught, admitted it, and yet kept the lazy persona going anyway - for the equivalent of an entire presidential term.

Also, "Hindu Daddy," unlike most incarcerated people, for some reason had regular access to @DeadsetAce's cell phone.


Imagine losing access during the conference finals for wasting maximum collegiate eligibility on one of the most boring troll accounts of all time.

There's some family-friendly content you can mull over while awaiting tonight's game.

Hank Scorpio Hank Scorpio - start here.
The And 1 30 for 30 was one of the worst 30 for 30s they've done. No real back ground info, and left out alot of the players and history behind and 1. I've seen more extensive YouTube videos surprising that ESPN dropped the ball this bad.

It looked corny as ****

Have No interest to watch it.
Super corny to me especially the way dudes are slurping him now. Basically dude would debate himself with several accounts on some topics, one of the alter egos is of a dude who's supposedly locked up, and another is a female.

those alter egos never made it to this thread. Think that was some NFL thread nonsense that this thread doesn't jive with.

who's slurping him up?
I like how a team with dudes that have made 3-4 conference finals are looked at as inexperienced :lol:
I like how a team with dudes that have made 3-4 conference finals are looked at as inexperienced :lol:

They're not inexperienced.

Memphis was inexperienced. Dallas was inexperienced.

It's delusion. EYE saw what Boston did to KD. It's going to take either Wiggins or Poole having the series of their lives.

I'll take those odds. Boston in 5.
This might seem kinda wild after the Mavs series, but I’m going to take GSW to prevail in the shot quality score battle in the Finals.
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