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Like i said the other day, Celtics aint playing these Eastern Conference teams that struggle to hit 20 in a quarter any more....


to be fair, Vlade was traded for a certain someone and didn't play for the Lakers after 1996, I doubt some of these folks were in preschool back then lol. I'm not gonna count his 5 or something games in 2000ish
the man brought up Andris Biedrins. Barely anybody remembers That man’s play. Hasn’t been on Warriors in a long time.
The Monta disrespect is disgusting but my point is that both played with Steph and a good portion of these new dubs "fans" have no idea who they are.

Nothing wrong with casual fans. The rise of Steph, Klay and Dray brought in new fans. Whats wrong with that? The gatekeeping is real. :lol:

Biedrins and Monta wasnt even that long ago.
Each time the warriors have got hit in the mouth they made adjustments. I'll wait and judge after game 2. Tonight was rough though. They had control over the majority of the game, but then boston went nuclear and that was all she wrote. dubs had a great game plan that was working for a good part of the game. couldn't account for them hitting 12 3s in the 4th though :lol:
Each time the warriors have got hit in the mouth they made adjustments. I'll wait and judge after game 2. Tonight was rough though. They had control over the majority of the game, but then boston went nuclear and that was all she wrote. dubs had a great game plan that was working for a good part of the game. couldn't account for them hitting 12 3s in the 4th though :lol:

Ill chalk the game up to Kerr keeping Steph on the bench too long and the C’s hitting their shots in the 4th. JB started it off, Al and White kept it going.
Ill chalk the game up to Kerr keeping Steph on the bench too long and the C’s hitting their shots in the 4th. JB started it off, Al and White kept it going.
Yeah, Kerr should know better. It's the finals, you've been resting Steph on that type of schedule majority of the season. Let him go.
the man brought up Andris Biedrins. Barely anybody remembers That man’s play. Hasn’t been on Warriors in a long time.

Biedrins played 10 years after Vlade, but I get your point. I'm sure there are Laker fans out there who don't know who Chris Mihm is. I'd be saddened, but not shocked.

FWIW Biedrins averaged a double double one season and was a fixture on my fantasy bball team bench :pimp:
Biedrins played 10 years after Vlade, but I get your point. I'm sure there are Laker fans out there who don't know who Chris Mihm is. I'd be saddened, but not shocked.

FWIW Biedrins averaged a double double one season and was a fixture on my fantasy bball team bench :pimp:

RIP to your FT%

biedrins makes draymond look like mark price at the line
Biedrins played 10 years after Vlade, but I get your point. I'm sure there are Laker fans out there who don't know who Chris Mihm is. I'd be saddened, but not shocked.

FWIW Biedrins averaged a double double one season and was a fixture on my fantasy bball team bench :pimp:
The Latvian Legend that is, Andris Biedrins. #foreverwarrior
Biedrins needs to come back for one night. I heard there was an appreciation night this season, but he wasn't there lol
#greatestwarriortowear15 #retirehisjersey
im the most unbiased lakers warriors fan on this board. my favorite warrior is steph curry after chris webber and timmy hardaway but even i will admit kd was driving that bus those 2 years.

draymond big mouth really ****ed everything up man

cant rely on klay for ****

According to the owner, the dubs were light years ahead of everyone.
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