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Did Rodman ever had a bad season or bad game? in my recollection, I haven't seen him under-performed on what he's capable of. unlike like some other player that would just quit on his team and throw a tantrum when everything is not going well or according to plan. Rodman is wild but would still give his all playing basketball.

your point is exactly the reason why I don't rely on statistics as they don't show the importance of real world performance of a player. some people use those statistical reference as if it was the bible and think that it shows how valuable the player is.
He had some bad games but rarely as a Piston, Bull, and Spur. He had a few when he played like 15 games for the Lakers and Mavs but that was his last year in the league. He never had a "bad" season. Maybe his rookie year, that's about it

He was all hustle, all energy, all focus, all IQ, and all business come tip off ntm he was durable - played over 77 games in 8 of 13 seasons and averaged 70 games played in his career, playing all 82 six times.
He had some bad games but rarely as a Piston, Bull, and Spur. He had a few when he played like 15 games for the Lakers and Mavs but that was his last year in the league. He never had a "bad" season. Maybe his rookie year, that's about it

He was all hustle, all energy, all focus, all IQ, and all business come tip off ntm he was durable - played over 77 games in 8 of 13 seasons and averaged 70 games played in his career, playing all 82 six times.
I remember the one with the Lakers, even Shaq backed him up and said that he was willing to play 2nd fiddle to him on defense and rebounds. I'm still puzzled why the Lakers didn't extend his contract. he was still playing good in that limited stint.
Draymond will be with us until death do us part.

TNT, Podcasts, YouTube, etc…

It’s going to be like The Avengers. We’re not going to have a choice. He/They will be forced down our throats.

He’s already over saturated and he hasn’t even retired yet - We’re doomed.
I remember the one with the Lakers, even Shaq backed him up and said that he was willing to play 2nd fiddle to him on defense and rebounds. I'm still puzzled why the Lakers didn't extend his contract. he was still playing good in that limited stint.
Focus wasn't there. Late to practice all the time, forgeting to bring his shoes to practice, etc etc. Crazy thing was, even when Worm wasn't all there mentally his last 40 games in the league, dude was still averaging 12-13 boards a game on pure skill and talent.
ThePeoplesChamp_ ThePeoplesChamp_ started talking and he got called our for posts he made back in 2018 that made disparaging remarks about stanfan stanfan 's deceased mother. Many of us asked Meth why those comments didn't deserve a permanent ban and Meth go him out.

Pretty sure he was telling someone being open about their depression to kill themselves or something like that awhile ago too
Speakin of Hov....

I remember the one with the Lakers, even Shaq backed him up and said that he was willing to play 2nd fiddle to him on defense and rebounds. I'm still puzzled why the Lakers didn't extend his contract. he was still playing good in that limited stint.
Kurt Rambis was the coach at the time. He wasn’t a strong enough personality to manage or get through to Rodman.

Plus like a fellow NTer said Rodman was showing up late partying all night, I remember Shaq in one of his books saying that Rodman wouldn’t even shower after games. He’s go right to the club and party. I would’ve love to see Rodman under Phil the following season (1999-2000).
this isn't a shot at you but NT in general. folks flip flop on dray's status over and over again when it's convenient. when the warriors were winning rings, people used dray to take away from steph's individual greatness ("steph's playing with HoFers! he's not doing it alone!"). but then NT will also refer to Dray as a great "role player" when the dubs lose a a game or go on bad a run.

which one is it?

Definitely the first. EYE have never flipped on KLUTCH Dray. I know his impact on the game. It’s casuals that want to demean him.

Anything to shoot Wardell bail
People don’t realize Dray is more of a POINT forward than a power forward which makes him extremely valuable to the Warriors' offensive scheme cause of his passing ability and high basketball IQ.

Defensively though, Dray is much more of a liability cause he can't really protect the paint and he isn't a top notch rebounder, which puts a lot more pressure on Looney.

Additionally GSW will struggle vs certain teams when Dray is their small ball Center and he's having to guard legitimate bigs.
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