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We really need to pause the basketball talk for a second, cause I just read those posts again. Methodical Management Methodical Management not telling you what to do, but that is 100% worth a ban for life.

Methodical Management Methodical Management would you mind letting us know how that poster wasn't permanently banned? What he said was beyond disgusting.

I checked the user's record and those posts were reported to the staff and removed by a moderator.

I can't see if they imposed any sort of temporary suspension at the time, but a permanent ban was warranted in that situation - which I've now applied.
Iguodala looked good for playing in his first action in a while. Kerr put him in once they had a nice lead so he can get some rhythm back which makes sense. I just think he thought the lead was a little safer than it really was. I'd work gp2 back into rotation as well assuming he's good to go.

would love to see Young Glove out there on JB/White. idk what his arm's range of motion is but if he's cleared to play and it's not risking further injury, it's worth letting him get some burn. a second unit of GP2/Poole/Klay/Wiggins/OPJ might do some damage
this isn't a shot at you but NT in general. folks flip flop on dray's status over and over again when it's convenient. when the warriors were winning rings, people used dray to take away from steph's individual greatness ("steph's playing with HoFers! he's not doing it alone!"). but then NT will also refer to Dray as a great "role player" when the dubs lose a a game or go on bad a run.

which one is it?

Dray has only avg double digits 4 times in his career he's always been a role player and Steph has been around HOFers. Klay basically his whole career and the 2 rings they won with KD. Me personally Dray has never been a HOFer. He's had his moments in the playoffs like a lot of great role players have.
Dray has only avg double digits 4 times in his career he's always been a role player and Steph has been around HOFers. Klay basically his whole career and the 2 rings they won with KD. Me personally Dray has never been a HOFer. He's had his moments in the playoffs like a lot of great role players have.

He’s almost as accomplished as Dennis Rodman. Unless you don’t think Rodman deserves to be in
Dray has only avg double digits 4 times in his career he's always been a role player and Steph has been around HOFers. Klay basically his whole career and the 2 rings they won with KD. Me personally Dray has never been a HOFer. He's had his moments in the playoffs like a lot of great role players have.
Draymond is way overrated for what he can actually do or people give him credit for. not even an AS or HOF. outside of GSW, I highly doubt that he would help significantly at all. just look at Al Horford for example, he found his strength with the Celtics. he is a terrific player with the Celtics but is mediocre with other teams. skillwise and trade-wise, Big Al hold more value than what Dray could ever do. Draymond is a celebrated role player, but to treat him like he is an AS, is:rofl: .
Rodman led the league in reb for like 8 straight years. Nobody came close to that and probably never will.

Yeah that’s the biggest difference for sure.

Both 2x all NBA
Rodman has 2 DPOY, Draymond has 1
8x all defense for Rodman, 7x for Draymond.
2x all star Rodman, 4x all star for Draymond
5 titles to 3

You can say Draymond shouldn’t have as many all star appearances but you can also argue he should have more DPOY awards.
He’s almost as accomplished as Dennis Rodman. Unless you don’t think Rodman deserves to be in
it's an insult to Rodman to even consider Draymond close to his level. Rodman is a beast that can consistently average atleast 15 rebs a game and knows how to play offense alongside his terrific defense (not just help defense but individual defense against the best players around the league).
Multiple all-stars, DPOY and if they won in 2016 he was getting FMVP

That's a HOFer

Since when do "If's" go on somebody's resume? He's had way more ugly playoff games than moments. The HOF is basically wide open at this point so he'll get in. The funny thing about him is for somebody that don't shoot a lot his efficiency is bad. He too short to score in the paint and his jumper is BS. He just gets a wide open layup here and there or a jumper will rattle in.
it's an insult to Rodman to even consider Draymond close to his level. Rodman is a beast that can consistently average atleast 15 rebs a game and knows how to play offense alongside his terrific defense (not just help defense but individual defense against the best players around the league).
it's an insult to Rodman to even consider Draymond close to his level. Rodman is a beast that can consistently average atleast 15 rebs a game and knows how to play offense alongside his terrific defense (not just help defense but individual defense against the best players around the league).

you are absolutely ignoring dray's ability to run that warriors' offense. you think rodman is facilitating from the perimeter like dray? that's been a big part of their run in allowing steph to play off ball
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you are absolutely ignoring dray's ability to run that warriors' offense. you think rodman is facilitating from the perimeter like dray?
then you haven't seen nor payed attention how involved Rodman is on offense. Rodman doesn't need to facilitate but knows how exactly to position himself on offense. when to pass, set screen, and most important when to score and knows how to score.
Rodman led the league in reb for like 8 straight years. Nobody came close to that and probably never will.
People also forget or often overlook that Worm has 5 rings in 6 trips to the Finals.

He would guard Shaq, Barkley, Malone, etc and be quite successful at making those hof's work extra harder to get their 25 like no other 6'8" forward could in that era.

Dude was ultra valuable, much more so than Dray imo, Dray's playmaking abilities notwithstanding.

Rodman is arguably the best defensive player over the last 35 plus years. If Worm played today he would win DPOY 5 straight years easy. His pure specialty was defense and neutralizing the other team's best forward/center and he is imo the best rebounder of all time pound for pound right next to Moses. Mans was like the Deion Sanders of the NBA. Teams actually feared Rodman.
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I checked the user's record and those posts were reported to the staff and removed by a moderator.

I can't see if they imposed any sort of temporary suspension at the time, but a permanent ban was warranted in that situation - which I've now applied.

Thank you so much.
People also forget or often overlook that Worm has 5 rings in 6 trips to the Finals.

He would guard Shaq, Barkley, Malone, etc and be quite successful at making those hof's work extra harder to get their 25 like no other 6'8" forward could in that era.

Dude was ultra valuable, much more so than Dray. Rodman is arguably the best defensive player over the last 35 plus years. If Worm played today he would win DPOY 5 straight years easy.
Did Rodman ever had a bad season or bad game? in my recollection, I haven't seen him under-performed on what he's capable of. unlike like some other player that would just quit on his team and throw a tantrum when everything is not going well or according to plan. Rodman is wild but would still give his all playing basketball.

your point is exactly the reason why I don't rely on statistics as they don't show the importance of real world performance of a player. some people use those statistical reference as if it was the bible and think that it shows how valuable the player is.
Dray has only avg double digits 4 times in his career he's always been a role player and Steph has been around HOFers. Klay basically his whole career and the 2 rings they won with KD. Me personally Dray has never been a HOFer. He's had his moments in the playoffs like a lot of great role players have.

4x all star
3x champ
4x defensive 1st team
2x gold medalist

Not even the biggest Dray fan like that but he’s def gettin in the HOF. Maybe not 1st ballot, but hes in there. Ppl have gotten in with way less…Basketball hall of fame is probably one of the easier Halls to get in.

Mo Cheeks is in the Hall.
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