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Bruh said “take away the third, it’s anyones game.” :smh: That part of the game is what warriors have been doing in the third most of the season.:smh:

Someone wanna explain how or why draymond allowed to play dirty as hell all Game?


Not gonna happen here. They don’t want to talk logical here only nonsense, gossip and how they pseudo block posters on here. >D
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The warriors dominated yesterday. The Celtics couldn’t score outside of Tatum & JB.

That’s what makes the first quarter so wack. Them refs were jobbing the Celtics serious. Refs didn’t have to get involved like that. Celtics probably go up by 10-15 and then proceed to slowly lose the lead during the rest of the game. Refs weren’t trying to take any chances. Killed the competition from the jump.

I hope Silver gives em a talking to lol. I’m going for the dubs and don’t mind the Celtics losing, but the dubs are good enough as it is already. They do not need the refs to help.
You definitely don't play competitive sports. It ain't necessarily panic to play harder. Some guys just wanna win.
Play competitive sports???
Get out of here with that bull💩

The only thing they did different was Draymond Green stopped shooting and started wrestling and nut grabbing
Bro my insurrectionist drip was impeccable that day!

cant wait till next time brothers! @lawdog1 @moe200069


We just hit three pointers in da Captiol open run in Crooked Nancy's office.#ALTRIGHTSPLASHBROS
The refs caused the celts to turn the ball over or al horford to turn back to his normal self?
There is no rule saying pull your guy after two fouls. That is on ime for not sticking with jaylen. He should have challenged the second foul where gp smoked the layup.
Grant Williams and dray been jawing the whole series and now they begging for a T? 🤡
Grant Williams and dray been jawing the whole series and now they begging for a T? 🤡
The whole series?
They've only played 2 games and Grant Williams only played 16min in game 1

So in your world jawing and putting your forearm in someone's throat are the same thing?
Play #1 in the scorned/discarded woman playbook. Only 1 chic in life ever said I have the small meats and I'll give her that I did get scared so we shriveled up like a turtle. She was an SSSSBBW and I was a virgin, we wasn't ready for that smoke. She took subtle shots on the facebook about men without the equipment to handle her. I know she was tombout your boy though. #hurtsman #needamulliganandI'llrewritehistory
This the **** I come back to
I mean Looney went 6-6 with all wide open dunks and layups cause they decided to chase/double Curry 35 feet from the basket.

I never seen any basketball player in NBA history put pressure on a defense to the point they are purposely abandoned a player in the paint because a player was 5 feet from the 3-point line.

And if curry was only a 3 point shooter he would be easier to defend but dude can drive too. Like I said when he is done and other NBA players come forth with how much tape/work goes into guarding him it will be different.
My little brother, who’s a much more casual NBA fan than me, called just now - @ 7:20 am West Coast time - to tell me how ridiculous he thinks the way Draymond is officiated is. “The refs indulge him like the parents of a spoiled child.”

I didn’t disagree, but it made me laugh that he called just for that :lol:
At least he slept on it before he had to vent :lol:
Before Draymond has a podcast on your network:


After Draymond has a podcast with your network:

Draymond is important but have some shame sir.

if colin had a vote, dray would be FMVP
the volume/cowherd probably pulling in some impressive numbers from dray

espn ready to ink Pat Bev to a deal :lol:
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