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You guys are missing the point by making it specifically about only that. Midas whale say "I've never seen anyone on here make a green tee shirt grouping a basketball player with global terrorists and then sell it on BarstoolSports."

Hurtful, sensationalist overreactions are certainly NOT exclusive to Boston, or exempt from here.

That's my point. That happens on here, and in every collective. If you want to ignore that point, cool, but that's my point. Why do I point that out? Why don't I just join in? "Yeah, eff those guys!"?Because we can't control BarstoolSports. No point in complaining about something we can't control when we have had similar problems that we can control.

A lot of the hate for Kyrie is no longer just basketball hate. There is a racial component to this. That's the difference.
A lot of the hate for Kyrie is no longer just basketball hate. There is a racial component to this. That's the difference.
Absolutely. I'm aware that there's a difference.

That doesn't change the similarity, which is that hurtful, sensationalist overreactions are certainly NOT exclusive to Boston, or exempt from here.

Yall should have seen the shirts they were selling outside Cleveland the first time LeBron came back as a Heats.
I def remember these :lol:



To the Cavs credit, they expected the worst and actually banned all those shirts from the first 'return' game :lol:

That doesn't change the fact that hurtful, sensationalist overreactions are certainly NOT exclusive to Boston, or exempt from here.

I’m not arguing that but my point from a couple days ago was that this isn’t normal basketball hate

The hate or trash talk Knicks fans have for Trae is basketball related. This isn’t.
I’m not arguing that but my point from a couple days ago was that this isn’t normal basketball hate

The hate or trash talk Knicks fans have for Trae is basketball related. This isn’t.
Yeah, anytime a Boston-centric entity hates on a black athlete/celebrity/figure, I definitely think 'Well this is certainly on brand.'

We are all engaged in an irrational act
cheering for private corporation, a group of millionaires wearing clothing that is meant to represent a city/state/country.

so yes im sure there is some percentage of Boston fans that will take it too far,
and given the history of that town some will do it in a racialized way...
and that is unfortunate

but man if fans can't be mad at Kyrie after the way her left...
you are expecting a Spock like rationalism that isn't reasonable in the fundamentally ridiculous endeavour that is sports fandom.
That's a tad more than 'inappropriate joke', no? Kyrie the Terrorist? It's a hurtful, sensationalist overreaction.


sure whatever level of bad you think it is.
I just can't be bothered to care. it's sports.

millions of people cheering for millionaires playing a kids game.
im sure some percentage of them will act badly.

it doesn't mean the rest of the boston fans engaging in responsible levels of sports hate need to
"let it go" :lol:
sure whatever level of bad you think it is.
I just can't be bothered to care. it's sports.

millions of people cheering for millionaires playing a kids game.
im sure some percentage of them will act badly.

it doesn't mean the rest of the boston fans engaging in responsible levels of sports hate need to
"let it go" :lol:
So no accountability? No lines that shouldn't be crossed? Everything goes, literally everything?

So no accountability? No lines that shouldn't be crossed? Everything goes, literally everything?


sure yes accountability for bad t shirt jokes, whatever.
im not making a point about accountability, bad people should not do bad things.

my point is I think people are reaching when they try to make more sweeping claims about how
fanatics of a sports organization should feel about xyz player.
OKB is here to play Devils Advocate Troll. RIP discourse.

Let's bring this back to Basketball then.
The series going on tonight are the ones I find least interesting, unfortunately. Really sucks Luka is out.
OKB is here to play Devils Advocate Troll. RIP discourse.

Let's bring this back to Basketball then.

actually im being normal, some people in this thread are being hyperventilating contrarian weirdos.
and it's not me. :lol:

my take is it's okay that sports fans hate players for sports related reasons
and it's bad that racist say racists things.

this is not contrarian or devils advocate. it's the most basic normal sports fan take.

Am I the only one who doesn't think it's some huge oversight that Kyrie Irving wasn't on the top 75? He's on the cusp, and definitely in the conversation but I don't think he's one of the 75 best or most accomplished (or whatever criteria they go by) players ever.

He has missed a lot of time over the course of his career and he's been unable to finish 3 out of the last 5 playoffs due to injury. He's "only" been all NBA three times and he's never received a single MVP vote. He's never been the best player on a good team (he tried being a leader in Boston and that blew up in his face).

Don't get me wrong, when he plays he plays well, especially in the playoffs but he really does miss a lot of time.

The bigger oversight to me is Dwight Howard. He was unquestionably the #1 player on an NBA Finals team, 4x DPOY. Top five in MVP voting multiple times.
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