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it's the most basic normal sports fan take.
Yes, "I hate that guy for sports reasons" is a basic sports take.

"I hate that guy for sports reasons but I know he's not a terrorist or other form of evil just because I hate him for sports reasons" is a basic human take.

And it's not too much to ask.

And we need to do that.

Yes, "I hate that guy for sports reasons" is a basic sports take.

"I hate that guy for sports reasons but I know he's not a terrorist or other form of evil just because I hate him for sports reasons" is a basic human take.

And it's not too much to ask.

And we need to do that.


okay so we agree 100%

Am I the only one who doesn't think it's some huge oversight that Kyrie Irving wasn't on the top 75? He's on the cusp, and definitely in the conversation but I don't think he's one of the 75 best or most accomplished (or whatever criteria they go by) players ever.

He has missed a lot of time over the course of his career and he's been unable to finish 3 out of the last 5 playoffs due to injury. He's "only" been all NBA three times and he's never received a single MVP vote. He's never been the best player on a good team (he tried being a leader in Boston and that blew up in his face).

Don't get me wrong, when he plays he plays well, especially in the playoffs but he really does miss a lot of time.

The bigger oversight to me is Dwight Howard. He was unquestionably the #1 player on an NBA Finals team, 4x DPOY. Top five in MVP voting multiple times.

Kyrie is the ultimate ceiling raiser type player.

I think we've seen lots of evidence that Kyrie as the main offensive engine on your team over the course of a season doesn't take you all that far.
and I don't really have any doubt that a team with Dame + 8 average NBA players.

will get win more games and make the playoffs more times than Kyrie+ 8 average NBA players would

but if your team is already really really good and you add Kyrie it can turn you into a juggernaut
in a way that lot's of other players can't.

ultimately this is all hypothetical tho, in NBA 75 list imo you kinda gotta go on what actually happened.
and it's hard to put Kyrie on the list given all the games he missed.
I def remember these :lol:



To the Cavs credit, they expected the worst and actually banned all those shirts from the first 'return' game :lol:
They had a bunch of them said something like "LeBron goes East, Gloria goes West" or something to that effect

this gotta be my favorite Kyle Lowry little things sequence.

Strips Middleton,
starts the fast break,
slows down and turns around to set up a lane for Kawhi.

and a forearm shiver to gannis to prevent him from fully contesting the dunk.

:lol: :pimp:
It’s a dumb shirt that a fan made and will sell on barstool which is also a trashy site. Who cares? Barstool is always trying to be “edgy” with their dumb sports shirts. They’ve had way worse than the Kyrie one.

Fan is short for Fanatic and that’s how some of them people are

I assure you Kyrie will pay less attention to it than we are in here

okay this has gone to far,
how dare they suggest that because you root for the boston celtics you support a racist president.

the fans are out of control
A known loudmouth ******* that is known for comparing black people to terrorists does it again. But let us play devil's advocate for the dude. :rolleyes

Dave Portnoy, the pugnacious and pot-stirring founder of Barstool Sports, defiantly hit back at “cancel cops” who resurfaced clips of him using racist language including the N-word in past videos.

The Barstool videos have been circulated by the Resist Programming account on Twitter in the past several days, gaining wider attention after The Atlantic contributing writer Jemele Hill tweeted them on Sunday, writing, “This is terrible, but then again, consider the source.”

In a 2016 segment about former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick kneeling during the national anthem, Portnoy says, “So I’m going to say something that’s racist,” explaining he thought Kaepernick was “an ISIS guy… Throw a head wrap on this guy, he’s a terrorist.” Portnoy adds, “He looks like a Bin Laden. That’s not racist.” Barstool’s Kevn “KFC” Clancy comments that Kaepernick “is not really that Black… I don’t think he speaks for Black people.”


Meanwhile, in a tweet by Portnoy from August 2016 (which has since been deleted), Portnoy included a picture of Kaepernick and Osama bin Laden side by side with the caption, “Anybody who disagrees with me saying Kaepernick looks like Bin Laden is a moron. #factsonly.”

Portnoy, in a response to Hill on Sunday night, complained, “What’s terrible is altering and cutting up a comedy sites video and giving no other context.”

In a different clip Portnoy posted from that same 2016 segment, he says about Kaepernick, “He just thinks Black are people are being treated unfairly, so he’s making a moral stand. Fine, I didn’t know he was Black… I don’t hate him — I hated him a lot more when I thought he was a terrorist.”

Portnoy also tweeted links to Barstool Sports content that was supportive of Kaepernick, including “Colin Kaepernick Refused to Stand During the Anthem and That’s Ok” and “If You Are Mad That Nike Pulled Their Betsy Ross Flag Sneakers Because Colin Kaepernick Complained About Them Then You Have a Big Dump in Your Pants” (in which Portnoy writes, “I could see how if I were black I wouldn’t love seeing a flag parading around from the colonial era when this country allowed slavery”).

In another resurfaced video, Portnoy chants along to Ja Rule’s “Livin’ It Up,” saying “To all my n—–s I’ve been livin’ it up… It’s going to be hit after hit.” And Portnoy in a 2018 segment recalls how Barstool sales guy Paul Gulczynski went “full blackface” on Halloween as Kevin Garnett with two Black friends. “If you do blackface with two Black guys, and they’re okay with it, you get a pass. You’re allowed to,” Barstool’s Clancy says in response. “You’ve gotta put them on a leash and have them next to you the whole time,” Dan “Big Cat” Katz laughs.

Portnoy responded Sunday night, tweeting, “Memo to the cancel cops. I knew this was coming before you did. And I’m ready. You don’t cancel me. I cancel you.”

“They’ve been trying to cancel me for two decades — I’m uncancellable,” Portnoy says in a video posted with the tweet. “I’m big. You’re little. I cancel you.” He also said, “Go cancel Marbles,” referring to YouTube comedian Jenna Marbles, who last week apologized for her past racist videos and said she would stop producing videos “for now.”

ESPN in 2017 canceled “Barstool Van Talk,” a late-night comedy/interview show on ESPN2, after just a single episode aired. That came after ESPN’s Sam Ponder called out sexist attacks against her by Portnoy and other Barstool staffers (for example, in a 2014 podcast Portnoy called Ponder “a f—ing ****” and suggested she “sex it up and be slutty” on-air).

Portnoy hasn’t specifically responded to the videos in which he used the N-word or joked about blackface. The Barstool founder, who calls himself “El Presidente,” has a history of unapologetically attacking and trolling critics.

Last year, Portnoy’s threats to fire Barstool Sports employees who engaged in union-organizing activity drew criticism, including from U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who pointed out his behavior was illegal. (Portnoy responded to AOC by disingenuously inviting her to “debate me.”) Portnoy’s tweets also prompted a National Labor Relations Board investigation — which resulted in the Barstooler being forced to delete the tweets and other anti-union content.

This past January, casino operator Penn National Gaming paid $163 million for a 36% stake in Barstool Sports, with previous owner the Chernin Group left with the same percentage stake. Portnoy had sold majority control of Barstool to Peter Chernin’s Chernin Group in 2016.
A known loudmouth ******* that is known for comparing black people to terrorist does it again. But let us play devil's advocate for dude. :rolleyes

Dave Portnoy, the pugnacious and pot-stirring founder of Barstool Sports, defiantly hit back at “cancel cops” who resurfaced clips of him using racist language including the N-word in past videos.

okay but I didn't actually play devil's advocate for that guy.
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