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With the news Ben might come back for this series against Boston I changed my pick.

Brooklyn over Celtics in 7
How do you play Ben, Drummond and Bruce at the same time?
Why is that bad, as long as those three are out there Ky or KD, maybe Seth if they can find a way to get him the ball, also, Bruce has low key been balling as of late, Drummond too, or at least Drummond does what Brooklyn needs him to. But Ben won’t be back so this is all for not.
Why is that bad, as long as those three are out there Ky or KD, maybe Seth if they can find a way to get him the ball, also, Bruce has low key been balling as of late, Drummond too, or at least Drummond does what Brooklyn needs him to. But Ben won’t be back so this is all for not.
Offensive spacing. They can all be helped off of and if you're giving up 3s on the other end it'll be difficult to get them back.
Why is that bad, as long as those three are out there Ky or KD, maybe Seth if they can find a way to get him the ball, also, Bruce has low key been balling as of late, Drummond too, or at least Drummond does what Brooklyn needs him to. But Ben won’t be back so this is all for not.
Would absolutely love to play against a lineup with only 2 shooters.
They all returning! Don Luka coming back! Kiwi coming back! Ben Simmons byke! Chef Steph bicycle! Everybody!

Why is that bad, as long as those three are out there Ky or KD, maybe Seth if they can find a way to get him the ball, also, Bruce has low key been balling as of late, Drummond too, or at least Drummond does what Brooklyn needs him to. But Ben won’t be back so this is all for not.
Nets ran Brown screens on almost every possession in the fourth

You don’t wanna switch that screen & you can’t drop against KD so you trap.

The most important part of this is Seth in the corner. His presence (gravity :lol: ) keeps his man away from the paint, which gives the Nets this 2 on 1 advantage.

Now Ben replaces Bruce on the screen & Bruce replaces Seth in the corner.

Bruce Brown 3 pointers are not sending you home so he’ll be ignored in the corner. His man will be waiting in the paint for Ben on the roll & Bruce has nowhere to cut.

Ben has nobody to pass to & they’ll reset with KD or Kyrie at the top & they’ll settle for a tough iso jumper.

Good luck with that.
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