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He genocides half the universe's population

He would have to kill someone he loved to get one of the stones

His logic in regards to earth was dumb if given 5 minutes of thought

He even somewhat realizes the flaws in it in Endgame, and comes up with an even crazier plan

He didn't solve anything, the first snap just set back the clock on the supposed things he had a problem with.
Like I said... the theory wasnt sound, but Thanos as a person? No issues. Malthusianism has been disproven 100 times over, but that really isn't the point here. Thanos doesn't know that, he's not an economomist. He saw a problem and tried to solve it, and DIDNT WANT TO USE CONFLICT TO DO IT.

Is this your general logic as translated to actual people? … because :lol:
Low key the Earth has this problem and it's all due to supply chains and all that encompasses that. War, corporate greed, etc. Human beings are inherently evil so it really isn't solvable.

In comic book land, the purple guy was the only person trying to come up with a real solution while OTHER PEOPLE are flying around in suits made of metal blowing things up.
Thanos was pushing genocide.
Dude had all the power in the world, but he'd rather kill people vs simply increasing resources.
Dude is definitely a villain. What we doing? :lol:

He’s no different than the “good guys” in that universe. Whatever that is. It’s what marvel is so trash.

And *****s really Stan Tony Starks :lol:

Spider-Man is like the only good super hero out there.
Thanos thinks the world is over populated, there isn't enough to go around, so his plan is to randomly killed off half the people on earth.

So his plan is to drop Earth population back to where is was in what?.......check notes......1972

That's his big brain solution. Roll back the population to the ****ing 70s

So this genius intergalactic warlord doesn't understand how exponential growth works.

Give me a ****ing break :lol:

Thanos is a cool villians. But he was clearly not a policy guy.

Thanos was pushing genocide.
Dude had all the power in the world, but he'd rather kill people vs simply increasing resources.
Dude is definitely a villain. What we doing? :lol:
You guys are applying public policy to this... That's your issue. Now Thanos had to go to Wharton to make sense to yall. He didn't have THE answer, but he saw a problem and came up with AN ANSWER
He’s no different than the “good guys” in that universe. Whatever that is. It’s what marvel is so trash.

And *****s really Stan Tony Starks :lol:

Spider-Man is like the only good super hero out there.
Spider-Man and Batman>>>>> Real preople with real problems.
Low key the Earth has this problem and it's all due to supply chains and all that encompasses that. War, corporate greed, etc. Human beings are inherently evil so it really isn't solvable.

In comic book land, the purple guy was the only person trying to come up with a real solution while OTHER PEOPLE are flying around in suits made of metal blowing things up.
His solution was genocide though :lol: . The other people were trying to prevent that. You’re obfuscating the actual scenarios here
Spider-Man is like the only good super hero out there.
Friendly, neighborhood Spiderman. 🤙🔥

What's out of pocket with Hulk, though? Captain America? I know where everyone hates Captain America because of the optics, but what's actually wrong with him as a character and person?

Yup, and we’re about to get a Part 2 that I couldn’t care any less about. It’s dope to get a Black superhero movie, so it served its purpose. But just give me more shows/movies with regular *** Black people living life. No need for trauma porn, white saviors or superheroes at my age.

It’s not even a person but I can’t unsee this now. Especially because of the arms :lol:

Wow l said the exact same thing but l just didn't post it. I just posted that he looks like that dude Hank from fresh prince. It's someone else like that but l can't think of who it is.
All Thanos did was cause conflicts. There's a reason literally everyone in the galaxy who knows of him is terrified of him.
You can't claim you're gonna kill half of all living creatures in the universe and say you don't want conflict.
I 100% believe that if someone actually came up with another solution that he would have listened. Guy was trying to solve a problem and no one wanted to listen, just called him crazy and were like "Let us be us" its silly.

Other people heard what Thanos wanted to do and then created conflict with Thanos. Guy was just standing around minding his business.
His solution was genocide though :lol: . The other people were trying to prevent that. You’re obfuscating the actual scenarios here
See above tho. Guy was 100% founded in logic. If someone else came with a logical alternative, he would have listened. Guy wasn't even trying to take over the universe. The guy did the snap and then went above his life. He didn't want drama of any kind.
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