2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

would love to try and catch it

I gotta put that damn xbox controller down once inawhile and stop playing warzone LOL

**** addicting
would love to try and catch it

I gotta put that damn xbox controller down once inawhile and stop playing warzone LOL

**** addicting

I am ready to retire from Warzone. I cant complete more than a handful of games before I get booted. Cant wait for the Halladay e60.
I am ready to retire from Warzone. I cant complete more than a handful of games before I get booted. Cant wait for the Halladay e60.

there was a recent update i forget which one it was was exactly maybe the one before the most recent that had to mess the serves up

some games im perfectly fine but others for me and the teammates we get non-stop rubber banding in game, never got booted just yet but i do see my Ping/latency acting up at times when close to a fight
I was drafted by the white Sox in 2013 and played minor league baseball for 4 seasons. standard contract is $1250 a month and goes up $25 each year you play and like $50 for each level you go up. After taxes I was getting about $400ish per paycheck. $2-300 to host family for rent (if you were lucky) or $400ish to split an apartment with 5-6 guys and I had about $500 a month for food and entertainment. My parents were giving me an allowance so I could afford more than Taco Bell or Sonic for dinner every night.

not a sob story by any means, I loved every moment of it and I was riding a lotto ticket being able to do something less than .1% of the population can do and I knowingly signed up for it.

however, my biggest gripe was that the time we were required by our employer to be at the field (12 pm- 11pm) every day, we made about $3/hour which is just not right.

the whole thing is a dirty, shady business and I blame mlb more than the owners, some of these *** clowns never should’ve been allowed to own teams In the first place. It seems to me that its a logical investment to bump pay or keep pay the same and provide meals, provide housing, basic necessities for players which they aren’t doing outside of a handful of organizations which you can probably guess since they always develop their talent

/rant :lol:

Thanks for sharing this. That's crazy insight.
Heads up.

The Roy Halladay special is about to start.
Just watched it. I didn't know about his depression issues beforehand and the details of the crash. It was hard watching his son talking about their good times.

Did seem he flew recklessly from time to time before the crash though. Good episode overall.
Yeah, shorten that way up.

I feel like baseball without a pandemic shouldn't be played in October as it is anyway.
Heads up.

The Roy Halladay special is about to start.

Oh ****. Forgot all about this. Where can I watch the replay?

And each passing day I'm convinced we aren't having an MLB season. If they first start in July.... what's the point?

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Literally listening to the Olney BT podcast with Passan right now and Passan is dropping this darkest timeline idea, that theoretically baseball doesn’t have to ever come back, and owners are willing to self destruct the next few years for power over the players/players union. Players have relatively short careers while owners are long term. And during this self destruct and rebuild they lose millions of fans forever.
Literally listening to the Olney BT podcast with Passan right now and Passan is dropping this darkest timeline idea, that theoretically baseball doesn’t have to ever come back, and owners are willing to self destruct the next few years for power over the players/players union. Players have relatively short careers while owners are long term. And during this self destruct and rebuild they lose millions of fans forever.

well ****. i hadn't heard that but that's pretty maddening
Literally listening to the Olney BT podcast with Passan right now and Passan is dropping this darkest timeline idea, that theoretically baseball doesn’t have to ever come back, and owners are willing to self destruct the next few years for power over the players/players union. Players have relatively short careers while owners are long term. And during this self destruct and rebuild they lose millions of fans forever.

Billionaires have leverage, sure, but these dudes are money fiends. They aren't gonna own a team and lose/waste millions for a stance. That's all conjecture, of course, but I dont fully believe their stubbornness will carry that far. They're just trying to be as stingy as possible.
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