2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

Billionaires have leverage, sure, but these dudes are money fiends. They aren't gonna own a team and lose/waste millions for a stance. That's all conjecture, of course, but I dont fully believe their stubbornness will carry that far. They're just trying to be as stingy as possible.

Most of them have the means to hold on longer than the players just out of principle but I think you’re right. Major damage will be/is being done either way.

Some of these owners will have liquidity issues sooner than later... will be interesting

a lot of these broke *** teams already cut FO jobs and not paying minor league players. Even the dodgers cutting FO salaries by percentages in tiers.
a lot of these broke *** teams already cut FO jobs and not paying minor league players. Even the dodgers cutting FO salaries by percentages in tiers.

FO people already don’t get paid what they should - The Athletic had a good article a few weeks back about the dude and his wife who own the Buffalo teams and how they are struggling
How do you mean? You mean "as is?" Like how the Minors are about to be wrecked for a long long time, or just in terms of MLB or???
Yeah, pretty much. The owners don’t want to pay minor leaguers now and they are gonna cut the affiliates down further? Nats players having to publicly pony up what likely amounted to $15K for an ownership group worth over $5B and coming off a championship season revenue windfall is an absolute embarrassment.

I also don’t see Manfred doing anything positive to change the game. Given blackout restrictions and what not I bet they lose a ton of fans in a shortened season. Idk I feel like more people aren’t really noticing it’s gone besides the diehards.

Might just be me though.
They can and might lose fans, but if they play it right, they might gain fans.

I don't know what that execution looks like -- and without having a real start to the season it will be tough -- but, I'm a very casual fan of the NHL and their proposal has me excited to watch, so enough creativity without fully abandoning the spirit of baseball should be plausible. As was mentioned though, not sure Mamfred is that guy.
Yeah, pretty much. The owners don’t want to pay minor leaguers now and they are gonna cut the affiliates down further? Nats players having to publicly pony up what likely amounted to $15K for an ownership group worth over $5B and coming off a championship season revenue windfall is an absolute embarrassment.

I also don’t see Manfred doing anything positive to change the game. Given blackout restrictions and what not I bet they lose a ton of fans in a shortened season. Idk I feel like more people aren’t really noticing it’s gone besides the diehards.

Might just be me though.
The minor league system needed a major revamp anyway. MLB is going to use this pandemic as an opportunity to get their system correct. There were far too many teams an far too many players.
Some of these owners will have liquidity issues sooner than later... will be interesting

I have a friend in the front office of a NL team. She said as crazy as it sounds, she’s seen her teams books and they literally operate “paycheck to paycheck” as well as about a dozen other MLB teams.

She also said the liquidity issue is a real thing but not because the owners don’t have money (obviously) but because owners will never dip into their own personal finances for their teams and MLB will always bail them out and front money if needed.

MLB is floating payroll for about 10 teams supposedly so as long as that safety net is around, owners have no incentive to budge on their bs offer.
Minor League players should def get a pay hike. Nothing too enormous but damn if Major Leavie players are making Bank it should be the same for minors as well. That break down is crazy. That’s not a rant. That’s knowledge right there.

If I’m the players I wouldn’t budge.
I love baseball and MLB, but eff em they can fold at this point for all I care. Done with the greedy owners. Let the talent disperse and allow other leagues to grow. You can have like a baseball version of the Champions League, who's final series will truly be a World Series. Maybe that way we'll see the end of these stupid unwritten rules, less racism in the clubhouse, and censoring of so many of these players that make the league what it is.
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MLB gonna get DESTROYED if they follow thru with this garbage. Minor League system already in chaos, losing out on an entire season just to be stubborn, service time court fights, man this is bad on their part. :smh:
Read a piece by Passan yesterday and I believe the difference in 50 and 82 game seasons is about $300M, which is essentially $10M/team.
Didn’t know that was the reason for Boston being on his no trade list. Definitely not surprosed though :smh:
I've read that before from him and a few other players.

But nah, that's not why Betts refused to sign with the Red Sox.
I've read that before from him and a few other players.

But nah, that's not why Betts refused to sign with the Red Sox.

I don’t believe the racism experienced by opposing black players was the sole reason Mookie refused to sign, but I’d imagine it did play some sort of a role. Sure, if they offered him $400M/10 years he may’ve stayed, but no way that stuff didn’t bother him.

Mookie isn’t the most vocal dude but I wish he’d spill some tea at least one time.
I don’t believe the racism experienced by opposing black players was the sole reason Mookie refused to sign, but I’d imagine it did play some sort of a role. Sure, if they offered him $400M/10 years he may’ve stayed, but no way that stuff didn’t bother him.

Mookie isn’t the most vocal dude but I wish he’d spill some tea at least one time.

Of course it wasn't the sole reason but he said some **** when that Adam Jones stuff went down. As soon as that happened, I said in this thread he won't be signing with them.
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