2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

whether or not it’s true, the fact that we aren’t sure is a goddmn shame. MLB sabotaging itself again
I don’t watch Angels games much. Just highlights sometimes or if they’re on TV when I can.

But doesn’t it seem like Ohtani has been hitting the ball deep AF lately but not getting HRs. Balls hit the walls all the time this year it feels like :lol:

Great comeback tho.
You're right, his exit velo seems about the same but barrel % dipped a good amount compared to last season. Haven't watched any videos to see if anything changed technically with his swing, but that's interesting...
The ball definitely sounds different when it’s hit this year. I don’t hear that crack like before almost sounds like a dull thud
I can't believe they can get away with juicing balls for the postseason....... :lol:


Oh but haters will say "But he didn't hit for power like Bonds, Griffey Jr. etc"
Tony Gwynn doesn't have haters. C'mon.
I'm not going to ask if you're new to sports because I know that you're definitely not, but there literally hasn't been anyone who has played in our lifetime and doesn't have haters/critics/naysayers whatever.

I agree he doesn't have MANY of them, but they all have them.

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