2023 MLB Thread; Say Hey, everybody: Rest In Power, Willie

I replied to one of a-friend a-friend hot take posts on here after the last regular season series at home against the Dodgers. Dude came in and claimed the Padres had zero chance in the playoffs.

Also like I told a bunch of Padres haters on here, on other forums and in person a team can get hot and make a deep playoff run. All you have to do is look recently at teams like the Braves last year and the Nationals in 2019.
I think you are preaching to the Choir in here.
Nobody, myself included would have ruled that PADS team out and doubled down on it with real consequence.
Calm down.
I just hope for your sake and happiness that LAD doesn't do the easy thing and win 2 straight.
That is literally all they have to do.
You can't be online ordering WORLD SERIES PADS Shirts just yet Son.
Manfred might be mad at those ratings and has two teams to blame with big payrolls, as we haven’t seen a Subway Series WS since 2000.

Lakers/Clips same conference, Knicks/Nets same conference, Rams/Chargers would take place outside the city, Angels can’t ever make the playoffs for a Dodgers matchup.
Not blaming calls on why we losing this series rn but man I can’t wait till these calls can be challenged
I think you are preaching to the Choir in here.
Nobody, myself included would have ruled that PADS team out and doubled down on it with real consequence.
Calm down.


Who's lying now .

Never used that ignore feature, but I think I will give it a try for a bit if we still have it as a feature, how do I get to it.
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