2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Maybe someone cleaned them before shrink wrap and there was moisture still? But I’ve never seen shrink wrap do that because the elements is what gets to the midsole IE. Humidity
IDK the whole shrink wrapping thing always seemed OD to me and more harmful than helpful. It’s a sneaker not a piece of meat. That outsole looks dried out and ashy. I don’t see how having a layer of plastic pressed tight against rubber outsole with stale air trapped inside for years could be beneficial. I think just storing your shoes in the box they came in is best way to keep them fresh. They gotta breath a little. Most people say to wear your older shoes periodically to prevent them from crumbling any way. It’s weird to see that happening on just one shoe which is why I’m raising this question. IDK what’s going on with those homers but like someone else said it’s pretty prevalent on gum sole pairs from that era especially the hemps. I have a little bit of it on my futuras and probably some other older pairs. I’d be more concerned with the outsole separating/ungluing because it’s dried/stale than the midsole crumbling like some Jordan’s.
I’ve been actively purging my closet for years now. I have the same rotation of 5 sb’s that I wear, the rest are just sitting to rot and I’ve been getting them off one by one. At the age of 35 I’m realistic enough to know I do not need all these damn shoes and my favorites are the ones I’ve broken in and put miles on.
Dunks anyone?

So, uhhhh... whaddabout these then? :nerd:

I’ve been actively purging my closet for years now. I have the same rotation of 5 sb’s that I wear, the rest are just sitting to rot and I’ve been getting them off one by one. At the age of 35 I’m realistic enough to know I do not need all these damn shoes and my favorites are the ones I’ve broken in and put miles on.
We’re not too old for this (I’m 36). I’ve actually been making it a point to go through my collection and rock everything, as I tend to just fall back on rocking the same 10 or so pairs. It’s definitely work, as I gotta comb through boxes and such, but it’s been fun.
We’re not too old for this (I’m 36). I’ve actually been making it a point to go through my collection and rock everything, as I tend to just fall back on rocking the same 10 or so pairs. It’s definitely work, as I gotta comb through boxes and such, but it’s been fun.
Tbh I don’t have the space anymore. I’m trying to convert my basement shoe storage room into another bedroom so I have outside reasons.
I’ve been actively purging my closet for years now. I have the same rotation of 5 sb’s that I wear, the rest are just sitting to rot and I’ve been getting them off one by one. At the age of 35 I’m realistic enough to know I do not need all these damn shoes and my favorites are the ones I’ve broken in and put miles on.

We’re not too old for this (I’m 36). I’ve actually been making it a point to go through my collection and rock everything, as I tend to just fall back on rocking the same 10 or so pairs. It’s definitely work, as I gotta comb through boxes and such, but it’s been fun.

Tbh I don’t have the space anymore. I’m trying to convert my basement shoe storage room into another bedroom so I have outside reasons.

First off ace ace :

Secondly, I’m right there with both of you, in some form or fashion. Purging when I bring in something new, as I need room, while wearing everything, whenever I can…may even wear 3 different pairs in a day, just because 😅 🤷🏾‍♂️
Does anyone know whats happening to my precious??? I guess its time for me to start wearing some of my gems.
From my experience you should be able to get that off. I've had that on a pair of DS Jedi's and the original Midnight Fog Highs. I used warm water and soap with a towel and brush, take your time to scrub and then wipe/rinse off residue. Have to be careful with Homers though because of blue panels. Water on the blue can leave water stains.
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