2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

Its funny cause I haven't seen 1 mod post in here in over 200+ pages?... not saying that they aren't monitoring us tho
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And 34 pairs of 1 size? that's more than some shops total stock tho

Right! Take into consideration that NIkeTown's aren't really getting a lot of allocation for SB gear (dunk's specifically) anyway.. That sounds like a really good deal..
No one is fronting however, NEVER were there mentions of ATC, RSVP or Bots in this thread.

This thread has always been the chillest and best thread. No one had a care if they were able to cop the newest QS or not. Everyone got their pairs. But now all these other hypes are in here talking about "i never like dunks but these are cool" and "where will they sell them."

And who cares if we know you or not but don't hide under the thin veil of I've been a fan but now this is the first one you're buying. C'mon. You like all kicks but have no SBs at all and this will be your first (and probably last). Really?

The JB mentality of 'i need to get these" is what is detestable about the new posters.
I feel you. But for a person who has never owned a pair of SBs i can honestly say they dont sell them where im from. I wasnt hip to the SB game until i moved. 
Ok so I've been looking for 8.5 premier and won a bid...and sellers pulls some **** like this [emoji]128530[/emoji]



Damn that's ****** up homie..I'd be crazy pissed, report him if he puts them back up! Some dude tried to scam me on a pair of WPF a few weeks ago but paypal flagged it and reversed it then he asked me to send it western union I told him I wasn't doing that ish and he listed them after he said he had shipped them already

Is 310 a good pre-order price?
If you can afford it, do it...you'll be "guaranteed" a pair, otherwise wait until Saturday and try to get them for 1/3 less
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Damn that's ****** up homie..I'd be crazy pissed
If you can afford it, do it...you'll be "guaranteed" a pair, otherwise wait until Saturday and try to get them for 1/3 less
True, I just don't want to see people resell so much less than what I paid. 
if you buy high and they sell low, buy an extra pair and you can just tell people you paid the average price between the two.
the direction this thread has taken has made me decide im just showing up at 6am on RD, if i cant cop too bad, but i aint stooping down to these peoples level with the TRUE hybebeast mentality. I dont even want to be associated with some of yall posting in here. Cant even face yourself in the mirror, accept what you are and at least admit youre here for the hype. Its embarrasing.
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