2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

I have to say, probably going back to the grey laces in the crawfish dunks.

Yellow laces really remind me of 

PS. Everytime I leave for a few hours you guys manage to get 5-10+ extra pages where I left off.

MANNNNNN you are making it worth my while.
Hey my Murican friends... don't complain about shipping charges from Canada.

That's how we feel all the time.... besides then you can leave some for us too. :lol:
Damn Ruckus and Quartersnacks this weekend? Hope NTNY will have them instore. I kinda miss scooping in store and not having to wait. 

NTNY tweeted me that they don't know if they'll have the QS in store and to keep posted to their timeline.
Ok I'll have to look into that. Thanks for all the info guys! Reps all around!

They released at a couple shops but most release them on Saturday. If you REALLY want the shoes, NDC is not your only chance to get them. What size are you?

So they kind of confirmed huh.

Might need to ask NikeEu if they launch here as well.

Can I get the stylecode?
Good luck to those looking to cop the SBs dropping on NDC. I'm just gonna wait for my local to get their shipment in. I'd rather support them then give my dollars to NDC.
I'm with you on that but my local doesn't even know IF they are getting it....
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