2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

So here's a quick story to make you laugh:

I've been moving and its been pretty chaotic. While moving a bottle of motor oil spilled and DRENCHED an entire shoe box so of course I'm like ****!!!! I look at the label and of course it's my Porkys (When Pigs Fly) so instantly I was like Goku going super saiyan

(that reference took me back)

For those of you that don't know I tried to get my hands on three pairs of those because I just had some connection to them. So I'm pissed and I kick the box, it goes flying open and nothing falls out. At this moment I'm like Ray Allen hitting that 3 in Game 6 because I think my kicks are just somewhere laying around safe and sound. WRONG. I go searching around the house and find them in the back, chewed up by a damn "Labordoodle" That dog almost went out the second floor window on some "The Field Goal Is GOOOOOOOOOOD" Stuff. 

Anyways congrats on everyone for their latest pickups.
Damn. I would go ape****.
People getting Firecrackers in the next few days, will someone please throw some yellow laces in them and take some pics?
Civil said they will have both red and black fire crackers but fewer of the reds.

Btw based la rock is your twitter handle the same as you nt screen name? Cause i always see someone with that twitter handle tweeting with the dudes at civil

Just curious to see if its you
From what I've heard all the shops around Houston already have the red ones locked up. That only the black ones will be available for the ones with not so good off connects.
QS WoFs or bust for me. 

and anyone else think that the timing of that porky's pic was like salt in the wound for DreWest? lol...
YeezySB, repped for the pics. When will people stop listening to BP? They're liars and hype fiends.
Talked to my connect, Red Firecrackers are Hyperstrike Just not that hyper. lol

Oh and I know alot of you guys were looking foward to NIKE SB moving into corporate chains such as stores like Zumies, and to my knowledge this is supposed to be happening. I dont know all the details but it has alot to do with CCS going out of business.
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Always liked the(non branded) WOF, can't wait for those despite the BS. Hope this thread comes through on that firecracker pack :D :nerd:
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