2024 NIKE SB DUNK THREAD_____GRs and QSs added

I don't think I could ever spend a rack on a single piece of clothing, shoes, etc.

Not condemning anyone who would, but I don't think those purchases ever come without buyers remorse somewhere down the line.
I have all the money together I'm just getting a bit gun shy

no judging, but aren't you in college still?  that cash goes a long way as diposable funds for whatever.  unless there's plenty more where that came from.

There's plenty for the semester thank you very much.

Put in a lot of hours this summer and sold a few sneakers.

Plus work during the semester ensures my play money is in fine shape for college.

Its all coolcool
I don't think I could ever spend a rack on a single piece of clothing, shoes, etc.

Not condemning anyone who would, but I don't think those purchases ever come without buyers remorse somewhere down the line.
Speaking of that...

those avatar breds still for sale?

edit: just realized this is the SB thread with AJ1 talk still going on, swore this was the AJ1 thread but its too late now
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Thanks, so is it an additional piece of material or just paint?

I thought it was paint but after looking closer it looks to be stitched. Someone with a pair can confirm. And seeing as there are two on each side, I'd imagine it's supposed to represent the door handles.

I definitely Googled first but I was convinced they were Velcro for some reason :lol:

I thought it was paint but after looking closer it looks to be stitched. Someone with a pair can confirm. And seeing as there are two on each side, I'd imagine it's supposed to represent the door handles.

Yeah that makes the most sense. I've always been intrigued but never asked. They are pretty damn reasonably priced on the bay too.
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Finally grabbed a worn 1x pair of these. I gave up a little too much in trade but I'm fine with it.
I will never own royal 1s unfortunately so these are a great great consolation.
Quality craps on the high version, and probably the actual 2013 royal 1.
LOVE THESE. popping in blue laces now.
thanks guys! kind of figured there would be no fakes of those. how about these are their fakes? id think theyre more sought after..and id like a legit check if you can including the box! always paranoid about fakes..
There's plenty for the semester thank you very much.

Put in a lot of hours this summer and sold a few sneakers.

Plus work during the semester ensures my play money is in fine shape for college.

Its all coolcool
More power to ya. I'm amazed you can pull that off in college. I have a hard time justifying a $150 shoe during the school year.

@pain11  ^ not fake. 
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You guys may remember last month I posted that bballermarkie bballermarkie graciously gifted me the UCS pullover when I was in Boston...when I got home from vacation I posted on Facebook that I was now actively looking for the shoes to match. The very same day @byukid hit me up offering a DS pair for retail. Got them today, and immediately put the stock laces from the St. Paddy's Day highs in them, they're a dead ringer match for the Swoosh and outsole.


Majorly grateful for the kindness that both of these guys showed me. Thank you both.

You guys may remember last month I posted that bballermarkie bballermarkie graciously gifted me the UCS pullover when I was in Boston...when I got home from vacation I posted on Facebook that I was now actively looking for the shoes to match. The very same day @byukid hit me up offering a DS pair for retail. Got them today, and immediately put the stock laces from the St. Paddy's Day highs in them, they're a dead ringer match for the Swoosh and outsole.


Majorly grateful for the kindness that both of these guys showed me. Thank you both.

legit check on these please..sorry for being so annoying im just buying a lot of shoes lately since I finally got approved for a credit card after having a bad creditscore.
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